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Noodle looked at 2D, and he stared back. She began to panic, because whoever was at the door was growing impatient. They kept knocking constantly. “Toochi, just hide under my bed.. Hurry,” She tried to whisper, but that seemed to be a challenge for her. She was still in a phase. 2D crawled under her bed, and she answered the door. It was Paula Cracker. The skinny, tall, big eyed, girl that was in love with 2D. Noodle asked her, “Uh..why are you here?” Paula stepped closer to Noodle, she was hovering over her at this point. Noodle didn't move, but she just continued to stare back.

“Love.. we need to talk. I'm not just going to let you steal 2D away from me. I'm in love him, and I still need one more chance to be with him. Your standing in my way, and I just don't need that..” Paula had already sat down on Noodle's bed, and was staring at her from across the room.

“I'm not sure how I feel about him yet. But I do know you should get out of my room, before I get Cyborg Noodle...” Noodle grabbed her other arm, and stared at the ground. She could still see 2D laying under her bed, staring at her. He looked like he was about cry, but Noodle was puzzled at that matter. She looked at him back, but tried to do it where Paula wouldn't notice. Noodle began to think. “I can't be with him... It's too much work. He loves Paula anyways. I'm not looking to fight anyone for 2D. But this is really making me want to cry.” Paula stood up, and looked under the bed. She saw 2D laying there with his face in his arms, crying silently. “I can hear you.. Come from under there.” 2D looked up at Paula, and crawled from under the bed, and Noodle looked up at him. Paula got slightly closer to him, asked him a question.

“Do you love me? Can I have another chance?... Please?” Paula surprisingly didn't start it, with her fake tears. Everyone knows Paula is a cold-hearted witch from Murdoc's Hell portal.

“I..I don' kno' how I feel.. but I'll gif' you anotha' chans'...” 2D hugged Paula tightly, right in front of Noodle. He just wouldn't stop hugging her. Noodle began to turn red, and started thinking to herself.

“Why is he hugging her in front of me? Why is he letting her use him again? What's going on... I can't tell what's going on.. I don't know what to think. Did 2D really just use me? I can't understand this.. but for some reason, I want to pull Paula by her greasy hair, and beat her face with my foot...” Noodle stopped letting her crazy emotions control her, and she poked 2D. “Can I talk to you?.. please?” He let go of Paula, and she left the room, laughing. Noodle watched Paula as she left, and the second she did, she slammed her door shut, and locked it. She looked up at him, and started to speak.

“Why Toochi? Why are you doing this to me?”

“Well, yu' said, you di'nt know how you felt about me. That's why I cried.”

“But- I, just wanted to try.. you didn't have to do this. You said you loved me.”

“I do Noodle, I really do, bu' you aren' ready for me. It's like yur' still a child.”

“How dare you call me a child!” Noodle hoped on a chair, so she could be just as tall as him, and she slapped him. After she did that, she dropped her head, and started to cry. Her warm, salty tears hugged her face like a blanket. She sat on the floor, and curled up.

“F'at hurt! Fis is what I mean..” He picked up his pack of cigarettes from the top of her dresser, and slammed the door as he left. Paula was sitting downstairs, next to Murdoc. Talking about everything that just happened.

“Really Paula? Why am I compelled by you?”

“Well, he picked me. I guess he really loves me..”

Murdoc started to laugh so hard, it made Russel come out from hiding. “Oh sweet Satan, why would he ever love you? You sick, fother mucker!” He continued to laugh, and he burped occasionally. Russel walked into the living room, and looked at Murdoc, then back at Paula. “Why is he laughing so hard?” Paula's eyes started to turn red, then she busted out into tears. Murdoc pulled his shirt off, his pants off, and ran into the kitchen, laughing. Russel started to laugh himself to, then started to wonder where Noodle was. Murdoc walked back into the room, and started to yell at Paula. “Just go home! You smell like scum.. just like the day I-” He started to laugh again, and jumping around the room. Russel ignored Murdoc, and walked to Noodle's room. He knocked softly, when he heard Noodle crying.“Noodle? Baby Cakes? Are you okay?” He hesitated, as he spoke.

“Yes, Russel?” She opened the door, sniffling. She moved out of the way, gesturing for him to walk in.


Sorry this part was kinda short.. I got side tracked.. cx

So This Was How She Felt.. (Gorillaz Fan Fiction Noodlex2D)Where stories live. Discover now