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         Everyone went to bed that night, peacefully. Murdoc wasn't running around naked, Russel wasn't hiding from roaches, Noodle wasn't crying, Cyborg Noodle wasn't talking about underwear, and 2D wasn't doing anything random. At this point, everyone put their feelings on the plate. They've all expressed themselves. No one is afraid of being judged. On the other hand, Paula killed herself. There wasn't one sound coming from the room she was in. It was all quiet. No one bothered to go check on her, so her cold body sat there for hours.

Noodle woke up early that morning. She was already dressed, but 2D was still asleep in her room. Noodle walked downstairs, but started to wonder where Paula went. No one was awake at this time, and Noodle grew ever so curious. She didn't eat anything for breakfast, so she just watched her favorite anime cartoons until someone woke up. Noodle was going to sneak into Paula's room, but she thought that might be a little impersonal. 2D walked downstairs shortly after Noodle's show went off. He sat on the couch by her, and kissed her cheek.

“Goodmornin' Luv'”

She blushed as he tickled her face with his lips. “Goodmoring..”

Noodle was wrapped in a red blanket, and had nuzzled her away into 2D's warm, long, arms. She looked up at him, and stared at him for a few seconds, then she turned away to look back at the tv. He noticed that she likes to stare at him, and 2D's always found Noodle cute. He rubbed his hand down from Noodle's shoulder, and passed her waist. She felt a chill run down her spine. When the commercials popped on the screen, 2D looked at Noodle.

“Hey Noodle. Have you wondered where Paula went off to?”

She didn't looked back, she just kept her head planted on his chest. She nuzzled him occasionally, but before she spoke, she sniffled. She glared at the floor, and got a nervous feeling. She didn't want to reply, yet didn't know how to stall. She slowly began to reply.

“Well- Uh.. uhm. I did think about her- once,” She sighed, and moved around a bit. She wasn't sure whether 2D would be upset, or not. Saying Paula's name, can be considered an insult at this point. 2D chucked a bit, before he said anything back. “Why ar' you actin' so nervous?” he looked down at her, and rubbed her arm again. He smirked at her, and she began to smile. “Sorry, I wasn't expecting that response..” She looked down, and was feeling a little embarrassed. Her cheeks turned red, as she just laid there, motionless. “Oh, well I was' wonderin' to...” He looked down at the floor, and sighed. “I f'ink we should check on her.” Noodle looked up at him, “You're right. We should.” He looked at Noodle, and smiled. “I don' care about what' she's doin', I just haven't heard from her...” Noodle was thinking the same thing. The show had eventually came back on, and Noodle was stuck to it. 2D shifted his body a bit, and looked as if he was just laying back. Noodle was staring at the tv, when Russel came downstairs. He glared at the couple, as they were curled up together. Russel wanted to pick Noodle up, and take her away from 2D. He wanted to do things, even worst than that. But he couldn't, because he knew it would hurt Noodle. Quite frankly, we just don't need that. Russel loves Noodle, more than anyone else, and if 2D hurts his babygirl, things will get bad. I don't think I can repeat that enough, just warning you. Russel walked into the kitchen, and ate his breakfast. After that, 2D had fallen back asleep, and Noodle was still stuck on the tv. Russel stood up, and walked over to the seat across from Noodle. She looked at Russel, and wanted to ask him a question, but grew the fear of his response. She looked down, then back up at Russel. “Is it wrong that I wondered if Paula was okay? I haven't seen her in a few days, and no one's said anything about it...” He looked at the ground, and sighed. “No it isn't wrong. You're just curious..” She smiled at Russel, then looked back at the TV. Her eyes were ever so glued to the television. Russel looked at Noodle, and had a hard time acccepting that she's an adult now. She can make her own choices. Whether they were smart, or straight up idiotic. She was her own person. Russel can't just make choices for her, so he stopped the sharp feeling in his gut. It only hurts, because he cares so much for her.Noodle didn't notice the odd feeling Russel was getting. She was too focused on the TV. Hours had passed, and everyone was getting sleepy. Noodle was still curious about where Paula had disappeared to. 2D was sleeping, and everyone else was out. Murdoc, and Russel had left. It was just the three of them. Noodle's shows went off, so she decided to at least peek. She slowly walked upstairs, and tried to be as quiet as possible. She slowly pushed Paula's door open, and saw her dead body hang from the ceiling fan.

So This Was How She Felt.. (Gorillaz Fan Fiction Noodlex2D)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum