I Don't Know

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Mia came out of the room with Murdoc's shirt on, and looked directly at 2D. I was confused, because she wore the shirt as if she were proud of what she did. "Honey, I'm so so sorry I didn't mean for things to go like this." Mia said to 2D as she sat next to him. I wanted to throw up at the site of Mia acting innocent. If anything, Murdoc doesn't force girls into doing that stuff with him. From what I've heard, they're all willing. 2D never replied to Mia, so she did what she thought was right; she kissed him on the cheek, passionately. I personally felt like she thought 2D was stupid, because doing that only made things worse. "Don't touch me! You never loved me!" 2D said as he pushed her away. "I've only known you for a few months!" She yelled. "But, you said you loved me." 2D replied. I honestly feel that 2D has gone madly insane to believe what this stranger says. I'd had enough.

I know I mean nothing to 2D, but Russel always taught me to help the insane. I stood up without looking at anyone until I began to speak. "I think it's time to leave." I said. "Stay out of this!" Mia shot at me. "Don't tell me to stay out of anything! I've known this man for all my life, and he's been hurt so many times by everyone he's trusted. He hurt me, just so he could be with someone that doesn't care about him. He doesn't know what he's doing. You, and your cheap perfume can leave." I said calmly. Tears were rolling down 2D's face as he looked at me. I felt like I was doing something wrong so I sat down, and pretended to eat once again. "Fine then!" Mia shouted. Russel opened the door for her, and smiled at me. I think he could tell what I did was the right thing to do even though it hurt so badly.

Murdoc laughed at the sight of 2D streaming in tears. "You lil' pissy baby!" Murdoc said with a laugh. "Oh don't do 'em like that!" Russel said with a laugh. "Leave me alone Murdoc.. Love comes easy to you." 2D said with a tone of regret. "No mate!" Murdoc laughed. "Having sex with tons of women, and keeping their underwear is not love."

"It's not?"

"No you bloody idiot!"

"What- what is it then."

"Don't ask me, ask Russel. No one has ever loved me, and I've never loved anyone romantically so I can't tell ya' mate."

"Russel?" 2D said. "Love is when you care for that person with all your heart you're willing to die for them, and some other stuff; I don't want to get into detail." he replied. "I've only felt that way about one person.." 2D said. "And who would that be!" Murdoc laughed again, "Noodle?" I blushed at the fact that Murdoc would say something as idiotic as that. I looked over at 2D, and waited for a reply. "Y-ye..Y-..Yes." he said. The room got quiet. Like, really quiet. "I think I'm going to just take a walk." I said as I stood up, and walked outside. I began thinking to myself at the mess I've made. I just, really love him. He's so cute, just like my stuffed animals from the Japanese Markets. I could just hug him all day without getting tired of it.

I get butterflies when I see his pale face. My heart skipped a beat whenever we kissed. My hands felt like they were loosing blood, and my feet were cold. But he was always there to warm me up.

I continued walking a few blocks, and found a dusty old bench to sit on. That way I could think in peace. The air is too dense to mess around with, and my soul isn't ready for whats to come. Missing those days when we'd play in the snow, then end up kissing under a small mountain of ice. Those days when he'd come wake up me just to kiss me, and tell me I was beautiful. Those days when we'd argue, I'd run off into my room, and he'd slide these sweet notes under my door just to give me a reason to want to hug him more. Those days when I'd lay on his chest in my Pj's, and watch scary movies. Those days when we told each other we loved each other...

I sighed, "Those were the days." The misty sky darkened a tad bit, and I could feel the sun on my skin, then water. Tiny drips of water.

I stood up, and began walking home. I ran a little bit so I could get out of this rain quickly. I eventually made it back home, and I walked inside. I was greeted by the wet smell of weed. Everyone was sleeping, but I could hear someone talking to themselves upstairs. I followed the smell, and it lead to 2D's door. I kind of knew already, but I guess I right. I opened his door, and saw him laying on his bed with weed in his hands. The room was foggy, and my eyes turned red. "Hey Noodle!" he told me. "Hello." I said as I sat down next to him. "You know, I think it's funny how no one has ever loved me.. My mother- and father don't count because they're dead." he said. I laughed, "So you're saying no one has EVER loved you?

"No." he said as he smoked some more. I started to cry, because I love him. I don't think he was smart enough to know, how bad it felt when he left me. "What's wrong." he asked. I sobbed more, and I couldn't breathe. "I- I- I- I-" I skipped. "You need some weed." he told me. I stood up, and smacked him as hard as I could.

"Weed does not solve all your bloody problems! You act as if everyone hates you, you bastard. You're such an imbecile that you can't even see that I love you," I went on as I put up the middle finger right in his face, "You can sit. And spin."

His face was white once again, and he started crying to. He sat on his pillow, and sobbed like a baby. I took his weed from him, and left the room.

In hope that he would find out what love is.

So This Was How She Felt.. (Gorillaz Fan Fiction Noodlex2D)Where stories live. Discover now