Paula's Breath

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Murdoc's Pov

My question is, when did 2D get so apprehensive? He always forgets what he's talking about, when he says it. He's always taking those bloody pills, and smoking. If he isn't doing that, he's watching a stupid Zombie Flick, or playing video games. Women who come at him, always get respectfully denied. Since when has he noticed me without pants on? My point is, 2D is a brick. He doesn't have anything is in his empty soul. I'm not confused, but I'm simply questioning this. Whenever I throw a can, or beer bottle at him, he gets mad. I wouldn't dare throw one at Russel, but that's the only expression he has. He's just fearful, and wimpy. Why is Paula so attracted to him? Well, she was all over me, back in 2001. But, I won't say anything. I just wish he'd stop trying to seduce all the women! That's my job.

Everyone knows, I absolutely love to lock women in my Winnebago. It's like everyone suddenly has a crush on him, but he's not even trying. What's so appealing about 2D? He doesn't have teeth in the front, he has blue hair, and black voids for eyes. He's just eerie. No one likes 2D, but- Never mind, I just don't know how many bloody times I have to say it. He's afraid of whales; how is that attracting? I'm not jealous of 2D, because I don't have a crush on Noodle. I don't like Paula either; her breath has the strongest, noxious smell. I can't stand it. I don't see how 2D hasn't noticed it. On the other hand, I'll try to act as if I never saw 2D kissing Noodle. That was really weird, because he's like her brother. I'm like her barbaric uncle.

Russel is like her father, so things are just going to be awkward around Noodle. I'll let that slide, but if I see it again, I swear to Satan I'm going to tell Russel. Things are getting extremely outlandish, so I won't say anything for now. I really hope Noodle stops this crush she has on him, because I'm not conformable around either one of them anymore. My mind is still quite blown at this element. I can't believe, Noodle would even agree to kiss him. She's not really his type, and I'm starting to hope he picks Paula. I don't want to see Noodle hurt, but I'm not sure this is real. This can't be legit. There's no way in Hell, I'd even imagine this. Sometimes, I seriously wish Paula would go home though. She smells so bad, it's become in insult to say her name. Her breath, I can't- I just.. ugh. I don't know how to explain it.

She smells malodorous. It's so disturbing, sometimes I wish I never walked near her. I know I can become revolting at times, but she is something else. It's so hellish. When Russel burned a hole in the toilet, during the recording of Dare, made me think I was going to die. Russel's incident with that bathroom, left Kong Studio's smelling like cow poop, and my toe jam. You can imagine how beastly the smell was. To sum it up, Paula Cracker smells so much more worst than that. Her breath is worst than her body odor, thank Satan. Let's just hope she doesn't open her mouth, to actually speak..Lets talk about my good ole' pal, Russel. He's like a ghost, who moves quickly. So there isn't much to say. If anyone messes with Noodle, then he gets upset. Maybe if you took his drum stick, and shoved it in his ass he'd get upset. Yeah, I think I might try that. Anyways, if Russel finds out about Noodle kissing 2D, things are going to get really bad. For everyone. On the other hand, I just hope Paula keeps her mouth closed...

        Russel looked down at Noodle, before he walked into her room. He was confused, because he'd never heard her cry so hard. Noodle sat on her bed, and slid halfway under the covers. She looked up at Russel, and pulled her hair away from her eyes. Russel sat down by Noodle, and looked at her. She had tons of tears running down her face. Her tears seemed to cover her image. Russel put his hand on Noodle's leg, and asked. “What's wrong?” Noodle sighed, and wiped her face. She kept her eyes on Russel, and started to speak. “I can't tell anyone. I-.. I just can't. I'm sorry. I'll t-to figure everything out..” She looked away from Russel, and dropped her head. “But- You can tell my anything. I don't want to see you like this...” Russel looked at his hands, and sighed. “Russel, I'm fine.” She had stopped crying completely, and was staring at Russel sharply. Russel smiled at Noodle, and stood up. “Okay.. I'm sorry for caring too much.” He laughed, and walked downstairs. Murdoc was in the living room, covering his nose. Paula was sitting next to him, trying to ask him questions about his Winnebago. 2D was in his room taking a lot of pills... No one else knew about it.

Russel walked into the living room, and looked at Paula. “God, dang girl! What's wrong with you!? Why do you smell like that?” Russel tucked his face in his shirt, and began to back up slowly. Murdoc jumped up, and started to cackle loudly. “Ahaha! Paula, you do stink, I told you it wasn't me!” Murdoc jumped on the other couch, and began to laugh harder. Paula turned red, and got teary eyed. “I do not smell bad! I brush my teeth this morning..” She started to cry, and stared at her feet. Russel stood by Murdoc, and looked at Paula. “Yeah, you brushed your teeth with shit..” Russel, and Murdoc started to laugh, and pointing at Paula. Which only made her cry more. She put her hands over her face, and sobbed violently.

Noodle heard everything, and ran downstairs. “Why is everyone laughing?” she looked at Paula, then looked at Murdoc. “Because Paula smells like a repulsive, pile of shit!” Murdoc laughed so hard, he started to cough up blood, and Russel fell over laughing with a hat over his face. Noodle started to giggle to, but covered her mouth so no one could tell. Noodle started to walk to 2D's room to apologize. She started to think as she walked to his room. “I knew he'd hurt me, right before things got serious. I just can't believe he'd do this to me.. I thought I liked him, but in my mind, it's just blank. I didn't know 2D would consider me, as a girlfriend.. Just because we kissed. I just hope we can still be friends, since he decided to treat me this way...” Noodle sighed, and pushed 2D's door open. She looked at him, and he looked like he was sleeping under the covers. She slowly walked over to him, and glared at the empty bottle of pills sitting on the floor.

She tapped him lightly, but there was no response. “Uh.. Stuart?” She tugged on him, but he wouldn't wake up. She rolled him over, and started to panic. “Wake up! Stop playing around! I'm not in the mood for games. You play around with my heart enough as it is!” She kept shaking him, but he still wouldn't move. She pulled his shirt off, and felt his chest for a heart beat. He was still alive, but his heart was pounding slowly. She started to cry, and scream, as if she was loosing her mind. She still loves him, regardless. She just couldn't handle the shock. She looked at the empty bottle of pain killers, and picked it up. “Why did he take all 20 of them?!” She started to cry even more, but this time everyone could hear her. Russel walked upstairs, and looked into each room to see where the sound was coming from. “Noodle!?” He walked into 2D's room, and looked her. “He fell out, and think he's dying, slowly.” She looked at Russel, and stopped crying. Russel called 911, and they took him to the hospital. Paula, Murdoc, Noodle, and Russel, all waited in the lobby for hours. Paula wouldn't stop crying, and it drew a lot of unnecessary attention, Murdoc was reading a women's magazine, Noodle was waiting patiently, and Russel was sleeping.

4 hours had passed, and Paula eventually went back home. Russel got scared, because there were roaches under the carpet, so he left in fear. Murdoc was in the mood, so he went to a strip club. Knowing Murdoc, he wouldn't be back for a while, but Noodle stayed. She didn't want to go home without knowing if he was okay. The lobby was empty, because it was 2am in the morning. No one else was around but Noodle. She was asleep on the couch with a blanket covering her. She had curled up, because it was so cold in the lobby. 2D walked out, and looked at Noodle. “Noodle, is that you?" She woke up, and looked at 2D. “Huh?” He sat by her, and stared into her eyes. She wiped her face with her hands, and looked at him. She was still half asleep, and it took her a moment to realize what was going on.

She looked at 2D after a long silence. “What's wrong with you!? Why would you take 20 pain killers, all at once!?” She stood up, and was ferious. “I did it, 'cause I don' know how to deal wiff' everythin'... I still luv' you'..” He dropped his head, and sighed. She started to blush, as she walked closer to him. He looked up at her, and smirked. “I'm sorreh' luv'.” She sat back down next to him, and wouldn't say anything. He looked at her, and continued to stare. She looked back, and she tried to not blush, but she couldn't hide it. He put his hand on the side of her face, and kissed her. He kissed her slowly, and she kissed him back. He did it much harder this time, and she got that feeling again. That feeling you get when your in love with someone. 

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