8 | More Than A Teammate

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

THEY TOOK ETHAN TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM, though in Ethan's opinion he didn't need it. They x-rayed him thoroughly and scientists examined the poison that was slowly killing him while surgeons gave him an operation.

"The poison will kill him in a few weeks time," Mycroft, who just so conveniently (note the sarcasm) happened to be in the base, announced to Brendan, Benji and Ilsa.

"We know that," Benji said blankly. "Luther's—"

Benji was interrupted by a rough nudge by Brendan's elbow.

Mycroft eyed the two. "There is a cure though, which is good news. But the bad news? It's rare."

"We know that," Ilsa repeated the line blankly.

Mycroft paused before continuing, "Do you know where it is?"

"Yes," Brendan immediately answered.

"Dunn?" Mycroft asked, grabbing Benji's attention.

"Yeah?" Benji asked.

"Could you... leave the three of us alone? Not to be rude and all, but we need to discuss a private matter," Mycroft explained.

"He stays," Brendan insisted.

"But it's about your teammate—"

"That's why he stays!" Brendan said firmly, making Mycroft sigh and roll his eyes. "Agent Brandt is more than Benji's teammate, more than our teammate! He's our friend. That's why Benji's staying!"

"And that is all we are going to say about that," Benji boldly finished.

Mycroft looked at Ilsa but she crossed her arms, clearly telling him which side she supports.

"We'll discuss this when Hunt is recovered enough to walk since, from the looks of you guys, you would much prefer to have all of your "friends" part of the discussion," Mycroft finalised after sighing once more. He then walked away from the three.

Once he was further away, Benji thanked Brendan.

"But why didn't you want me to tell him about Luther?" He whispered.

"It's best to give him minimal information. Be open to Alan? No problem. Him?" Ilsa answered. "God no. He's like Attlee the second."

"Was Attlee really that bad?" Brendan asked.

"He forced me to do things I would never do if I had the choice," Ilsa snapped and realised the tone she was using. "Sorry."

"It's alright, I understand," Brendan assured.

"Agents," An employee called and they turned to face her direction. "You can see Agent Hunt now."

Benji recognised her, she was the person who assisted Alan with his weekend polygraph three years ago. "Aren't you from the CIA?"

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