5 | Moved On

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Jung Wooseok

I am now discharged and free to leave the hospital. I have decided to stay at Kino's house for a while. I texted him before so it's agreed.

I go to Yuto's place to pack my things.

Once I opened the door I see Yuto, cooking but he feels down. He noticed me enter and he approached me but I stopped him.

"Don't get anywhere close to me Yuto." I warned him before he get to close.


"Shush! I just came here to grab my things and move over to Kino's place." I shut him up before he speak. I don't want to hear him talking anymore.

He was down even more when I said that I was moving out. His tears escaped from his eyes and hugged me. But I quickly let go from the embrace and started heading upstairs to my room and started packing.

Yuto tried to stop me so I shouted at him, causing him to be frightened. I pushed him outside the room and locked the door after.

Luckily, I only have few things here so I packed up pretty quickly.

I opened the door and I didn't see him. I looked around to check but he's nowhere but I saw a note and read it.

"All of these sufferings will end if I was gone. Goodbye"

I ran to Yuto's room and I see him holding a cutter. Slicing his wrists. I stopped him and threw the cutter away.

He's totally depressed I can tell. I sent him to the hospital to seek early medication.

"Oh god Yuto what were you thinking!"


Yuto is now fine and I'm relieved. I go back to the house and took my things and left a note. I walked to Kino's house which is not that far from Yuto's.


Jo Jinho

"OMFG YOU SHOULD TEXT HIM!" Hwitaek shouted out loud. Clearly fanboying.

"Agreed." Hyojong said as he nodded.

"W-why would I?" I stutter as I asked, clearly nervous.

"Come to think of it, I do want to text him but I'm shy and afraid... what if I mess up?"

"Cool! NOW TEXT HIM!" Hwitaek still fanboying, ignoring my statement.

"Ok ok! Calm down!" I give up before Hwitaek continues to shout at me.

I go to my SMS and texted Wooseok.


Who's this?

It's me Jinho, if you remember me...

Hahahaha. Ofc I know you! You're the cute guy who helped me.

Stop with the flattery will ya?

Ok cutie I will stop.

That's what he said...

Wooseok changed the nicknme of Jinho to CutiePie♥


What's so funny cutie?

CutiePie♥ changed the nickname of Wooseok to TallGuy


seen 15:32

I was rolling on the floor laughing. This guy is such a dork. I love it.


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