8 | Treasured in my Heart

487 30 3

Jo Jinho

I wonder what's inside this bag.

I carefully pulled the lace that is wrapped around it, opening it. I see a mini hamster plushie sitting on a cute cushion. It's so cute that it made me UwU.

Thanks for this cute plushie!

Thank god you liked it. I worried if it's small.

There's no such thing as small to plushies. They're babies.

If you say so.

Thank you for taking me out. It was boring here.

Speaking of taking you out, you wanna come with me tomorrow? Me and my friends are going to
play soccer.


Nice! See you tomorrow around 10 at the central park?

Actually, can you pick me up? I'm kind of lazy...

Sure thing cutie~

seen 20:31


Jung Wooseok

Woah. He wants me to pick him up.

"Oh right! He wants me to pick him up!" I jumped in joy.

"I'll guess. Jinho, right?" Kino asks from the kitchen.

"I-It's none of your business Kino." I blurted out.

"What about Yuto tho?" He asked.

"Please don't bring his name up. Ever. And also we broke up that's why I moved here right?" I snapped back. Obviously hating to hear his name.

"Well, whatever you say. He loved you so much that he attempted to commit suicide because he felt there's nothing left for him anymore." He said worried.

"He has Shinwon. Please let's not talk about them anymore." I was getting tired of this bullshit and ended the conversation.


"Ya! Stop! You're such a mood killer." I cut him off. Geez.

Kino just chuckled and I roll my eyes him.

A few seconds later, the doorbell rang. I stood up and walked to the front door and opened it. I see Changgu (Yeo One) and Yanan holding their hands.

"Hey Wooseok! Long time no see!" Yanan said and approached me into a hug.

"Yeah Wooseok, where have you been?" Changgu asks, lowkey worried.

"Well it's a long story. Come on in!" I said as I lead them inside

We 3 entered and walked to the living room and sat on the sofa and chatted.

"So, why were gone for a long time Wooseok?" They both asked in unison.

"Well... it was...."

I told and explained what happened to me for the past few weeks.

"Wow. That's tragic." Yanan said with a bit of disbelief.

"Wait, you said Jo Jinho right? I think I know him." Changgu said.

"How do you know him?" My eyes widened when his name was mentioned.

"Well, I was his childhood friend until his family and him moved out from our town to another one." Changgu said with a smile on his face.

"Wow. That's nice." I was amazed of how Changgu and Jinho knew each other.

"So, are you guys excited for tomorrow?" Yanan asked.

"Yeah!" Me and Changgu said in unison.

Yeah, I'm excited because Jinho is going to be there to watch me play.


I dare you to listen to all PENTAGON's songs.

Also I'm super excited for 'Yes or Yes' omfg!

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