14 | The day has come...

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Jo Jinho

Hey... you awake?

Yes cutie~ why are you up? It's 1am

Well, I forgot to ask you something...

And that is?

The 'What if I did' thing you said... please clarify me what does it mean?

Uhhhh... Goodnight cutie see you later!

Hey! Clarify it!

Are you ignoring me?

Fine. I'll block you then >:C

It's no big deal cutie~ Go to sleep.

If it's no big deal then you're able to tell me. I won't sleep until I get an answer.

Well, I'll tell you if you meet with me tomorrow. 2pm? At the central park?


Now go to sleep cutie~ You don't want to miss it right?

Okay... goodnight!♥♥♥

seen 1:36

Oh god. What does it mean? Am I having a boyfriend? No Jinho you shouldn't be assuming! But you shouldn't be ignorant either. Aish I'll just go to sleep.



The alarm has setted off loudly that awakened me. I turned the alarm of my phone off and checked the time.


I stood up and washed my face and brushed my teeth. Change my pajamas to my comfy t-shirt and shorts. I headed downstairs to make some breakfast but I see Hwitaek and Hyojong flirting.

"Really? In the morning?" I said with a displeased look displayes on my face.

"Oh, Hi Jinho. We see that you're awake." Hwitaek said.

"Eat these stack of pancakes. Someone made it for you." Hyojong said as he winked at me, then looked at Hwitaek while giggling.

I look at them with suspicion but I agreed to eat it. It looks familiar and it tastes familiar too. The pancake is so delicious that I let out a small moan.

"That must be good right?" Hwitaek asked while his eyes are focused on my pancakes.

"Can we have a bite?" Hyojong asked with pleading eyes, I sighed.

I sliced some portion for them and handed them the pancake by the fork that I was using.

I finished the pancake pretty quick because of how satisfying it is.

I spend my morning time watching TV cartoons. Sometimes I spoil my childish side and I enjoy it. I wish I was with him everyday.

When I was tired watching cartoons. I checked my phone to see what time it is.


I quickly got up and I showered. I stepped out of the shower and I dried myself up. I dressed a suiting type of clothes that you would normally wear when you're on a date.

I'm nervous for what he would say.


Jung Wooseok


I drove to the central park while listening to some of my favorite songs on my car.

Oh god. Am I really confessing? What if this is all too early?

I reached the central park and sat on one of the bench there. A box on my hand that contains a surprise for him.

I hope this day is the day.

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