10 | Admire U

432 26 1

Jo Jinho

Oh god... He's so handsome. Someone save me.

I was awaken to reality by Wooseok.

"We're here now! Let's get out Jinho."

We arrived at a grassy field that doesn't really have many people around so it's just us having fun.

"Hey guys!" Wooseok said as I waved at them.

"Hi guys!" We we're greeted by Yanan and Changgu who's been playing.

"Wait guys, I have something to ask you Wooseok, what is your position in soccer?" I asked.

"Well, I'm the goalkeeper." He answered. It makes sense.

"Obviously." I said silently.

"You're not going to ask us?" Yanan and Changgu asked in unison.

"Nope." I said coldly.

"Why :'(" Yanan and Changgy faked cried.

They started playing while me and these two lovers are watching. I only focused on Wooseok who's been so focused to the game.

They played like for an hour and they're not finished yet. The two lovers aren't watching instead they're just flirting with each other.

A few minutes later it started to rain. We all rushed to the car and tried out best not to get wet.

We all hopped to the car and some of us are soaking wet.

"Yo Yanan and Changgu, wanna ride home?" Wooseok asked

"Pleasured." They both said

"Can you ride us home too?" Hwitaek and Hyojong said.

"Alright." Wooseok agreed.

Wooseok drove to Yanan's and Changgu's apartment, waving them goodbye when they got out of the car and entered the building.

Then Wooseok drove to our house.

Hwitaek and Hyojong got off the car but I didn't.

"Uhhh... you're not going home yet?" Wooseok asked.

"Can I be at your place for a while? You know, hang out or something..." I answered and asked back.

"Sure thing cutie~." He agreed instantly.


Jung Wooseok

Holy shit. Me and Jinho, alone at my house. Well, Kino's there so we're not totally alone.

I drove to our place and arrived. We both got off and walked to the front door.

I opened the door and I see no one in the living room. That's weird because Kino is always sitting on the couch and watching channels at TV.

"Hey Jinho, sit at the couch. I'll just check on Kino." I said.

He nodded and I ran upstairs to look for Kino. I looked at his room first and he wasn't there. I checked the other rooms and there's still no Kino.

I saw a note on the Kitchen fridge and it says. "I have a date with Hongseok. I'll be gone for a while."

Wtf. So we are alone.

"Hey Wooseok. Come here." He said.

I sat beside Jinho and I was surprised that his arms are wrapped around my waist and his head resting on my shoulder. I felt comfortable and he started dozing off.

"Sweet dreams cutie~"

I look at every detail of his face and enjoyed his beauty. How I wish you were mine.


No Wifi fuckkkkkkk....

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