school prank

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One day I brought my fake blood to school. My homie, Josh saw it and said, "I have an idea..." He went on to say that we should use it to play a prank in Economics. I was gonna ask if I could go to the restroom. I would then put the fake blood on my face. When I came back, a friend of ours would fake-punch me in the so it looked like they hurt me. So the plan begun. I went down to the restroom and started to put my makeup on. Then I heard footsteps coming toward the door. I quickly gathered my jar of fake blood and hid in a stall until they left. I finished the remainder of the makeup so it looked like I was bleeding from my mouth. I quietly left and went to my locker to grab a notebook to hide behind, went to the classroom, and caught Josh's attention. The teacher was looking at our friend who was supposed to "punch" me, so he didn't see me come back in. But the same kid was finishing up a quiz since he skipped school so he couldn't come over to where I was sitting to pretend to break my face. So Josh and I came up with a backup plan: when the teacher wasn't looking, I would begin to act like I was dying or something. So I did. I fake hyperventilatied. Then I went into a fit of coughing. "Are you ok??" Said the teacher. I just kept coughing. He bolted out of the class to get help. As soon as the door was shut, me and my friends burst out laughing. Everyone else had questioning looks on their faces. While Josh and our buddy were dying of laughter in the background, I explained to the small class how it was a prank. Everyone was laughing and exclaiming. One girl even thought it was real at first! The class shut up as soon as the teacher came with help from another adult. Since Josh sits in front of me, I could tell he was trying his best not to laugh. The teachers are looking at my screwed-up face when Josh full on pig snorts because he held in a snicker. Everyone just looked at him, then exploded with chaotic laughter. Especially me. Josh, between breaths, explained that it was a prank. The teacher that had came in to help rolled her eyes, and said, "not cool". She is so sassy sometimes. 😂 and then I washed my face off and we had class. We still have no clue how we pulled it off.

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