Revenge of the Odds

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We played what are the odds again, but this time it was a little more interesting. Phillip asked me a really good question today. "What are the odds you'll let me fake-punch you and you pretend to pass out?" We both ended up picking 4 out of 1-10. So I had to practice in Personal Finance, because there's nothing better to do. Phillip is a big marvel nerd (that's one of the reasons that were friends.) So we walked to the front of the class and I yelled, "SPIDERMAN IS DEAD!!" Then he "punched" me and I pretended to pass out. Mr. Fries who is the teacher in that class didn't react because he knew we were planning the prank. Then we decided to do it later in English class.

The period before English was math, so once our lesson was done we started plotting. We were gonna have an angry "disagreement" about spiderman and bucky outside the classroom. We would come in while we were still arguing, and he would fake punch me. We did just that, and it was lit.

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