'meet the senior'

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Today we played 'meet the senior' during our chapel meeting. How you play is you ask a person in the graduating class facts about themselves. The senior will whisper the question to you. Then you turn around to the audience and ask them. You say, if the answer is a, put your right hand up and if its b, put your left hand up, or vice versa. Whoever has the wrong hand up gets out, but if they get it right they go on to the next question. I was the senior that was picked by pastor matt. It was really fun. The first question he picked was really hard for everyone. It was "what's her favorite Christmas carol?" I picked Snoopy's Christmas from charlie brown. So the options he gave were Snoopy's Christmas or grandma got run over by a reindeer. Over half the people were out because since I'm a violent person, they picked grandma got run over by a reindeer. But it ended up being a good time. The second half of my day was also very fun because we got to watch the new avengers trailer in study hall. I almost died, along with my friends. Today was a lit Friday.

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