Don't you open up the window

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Today our math teacher had to leave, so our class was split up and put in different rooms. Today I was in Mr. Fries's room. While I was trying to concentrate on my homework, the 9th graders were complaining that it was too hot. I don't know how they could think that because its december, and where we are its like 29° fahrenheit. But to each is own. Mr. Fries told them to open the window so they'd stop complaining, but as soon as a kid began to open it, the whole window fell in. It seemed that it went in slow motion. 'Theres no way it won't shatter.' I thought. As soon as it hit the ground, it ended up doing just that. The whole room was silent for about half a second before erupting into complete chaos. "Were screwed." I muttered.

It was worse than the time Pastor Dave broke the sink.

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