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Today we had choir practice all morning. It sucked because like I said earlier, choir is mandatory. We are always being forced to sing against our will. And they ask us why we mumble all our words!! Anyway, once this was all over, we walked back to class with our brains fried from stress. The reason being that now we have to sing in front of an audience. (Its not like we didn't know it before, but since its coming up soon were more depressed.) But then, the highlight of my day: Sergio gave Mrs. Cook money to buy us all doughnuts. So therefore I got a chocolate doughnut filled with enough calories and sugar to give you diabetes and heart failure. But then I had a sugar crash and almost fell into a very depressed sleep. Then I remembered a conversation that my friend and I had about Sebastian Stan and I was happy again.

Stuff That Goes Down In SchoolМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя