Benadryl Cabbagepatch

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In English class, we were reading Scottish poems. The teacher had an audio file of a Scottish dude reading aloud. As soon as it starts, the voice we all heard sounded like David Tennant. My fellow Doctor Who fan and homie, Philip turned around in his seat and whispered, "that really sounds like David Tennant!" I nodded and asked him to ask the teacher who was reading it. She said it was some guys name that wasn't David. I finally spoke up and said, "wow that really sounded like David Tennant tho." The poem reading ended, and we went back to working on homework like we were before. Then all of a sudden, I heard the doctor who theme. I looked up with a start to see David Tennant's face staring back at me from a computer screen. I was internally screaming. When the video ended, me and Phil were smiling so much that it was painful, at least for me though. 😂 "you know who else has a cool accent? Benadryl Cabbage patch. (Benedict Cumberbatch)"



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