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The sky of the space between worlds was dark and dotted with stars. Illuminated between the stars were many different worlds, some small, some large, but all of them teeming with the same thing.


It was silent, until a dark form materialized in the starlit void. It was a woman, with long flowing black hair, a deep violet dress, smoky skin, and a evil looking smile on her pretty features.

She glided towards the nearest world, one that rather looked a lot like ours, except for the smallest of details to the shape of the continents and a few other rather interesting other differences......

"Now, let's see how the pointless war is going on shall we?" She stroked a beast made of stars and looked down eagerly at the world before her. The woman was Eris, the goddess of Chaos, and in the centuries she had been alive, she had never seen a world that was so.....

Chaotic. She hardly had to pull any strings to cause disturbances in this world, this world caused enough chaos by itself without her to do anything!

The inhabitants of the world looked a lot like you and me, except some had unusual eye colors and hair colors, and some even had unusual powers..... But other than that, they were a rather boring lot, these "Pac-worlders", content to go along with the everyday as they always did, with little to no thought of what wonders and horrors lied just beyond them......

And this pointless war? This was referring to the seemingly endless chaotic struggle between two sides, one side always getting beaten but never quitting or surrendering, and while the "heroes" won most battles they never succeed in banishing the threatening forces completely. It was a war, one that never seemed to be entirely won by anyone, and it was glorious!

Okay, so most of the inhabitants were rather uninteresting, but there were a choice few that caught her eye.

First, there was the hero of the realm, a young teenage boy called Pacman, blessed with the ability to consume ghosts. For this ability he was hailed as the hero of the realm, mostly because the other inhabitants were too stupid to actually fight back, Eris thought. He had two friends, another young man and a young woman, but Eris never paid too much attention to them, deeming them less interesting.

Then, there was the president of that part of the realm, a man who always strived to do good by his people, to protect them from the horrors just beyond their plane of existence. He was viewed as a man of virtue, but Eris detected some sort of guilt about some past event that he held inside......... He could be entertaining at times, but he was still rather uninteresting.

And finally, the being that was her favorite, the being that was her personal favorite....

He used to be human, but do to his crimes, was turned into a ghost and banished to a separate plane of existence with other unfortunates for eternity. Although he had kept his human appearance, hate and anger formed in his heart twisting him into something new. A being that lived for chaos, using everything in his power to try and destroy his brother, the hero of the realm, and the Pacworlder's entire way of existence.

Oh this ghost lord was her favorite, and he was actually kind of easy on the eyes, if she did admit so herself, but if only he knew how powerful he truly could be this fire-ghost. He was one of the most powerful ghosts she had seen, but he didn't know the half of his full abilities, maybe she should consider giving him a little "push" in the right direction......

Just then, a disturbance caught her eye. A portal had opened up in an alleyway in this world, something she had never seen happen so far. What was going to come out of this, a new creature, a ghost attack? She waited in anticipation.

Out of the portal stepped a young woman. She was slim, of average height, and currently was grinning in amazement at her surroundings. She wore combat boots, jeans, and a t-shirt that read: "Nirvana" and had a smiley face with x-ed out  eyes. She had long red hair and carried a gym bag on her back, and a suitcase in her free hand. This girl had just stepped out of a portal like it was nothing, but the most interesting thing about her?

A pair of slightly curved horns that extended a few centimeters above her ears and were about a few inches in length.

Eris's eyes widened in surprise. A demon girl? Well this was interesting....

The girl put down her suitcase and closed her eyes in concentration, mumbling a spell as she did so. The portal fizzled then closed entirely.

Clearly pleased at her work, the girl picked up her bag. "Alright new existence, let's get this party started!" She said in excitement.  She went to leave the alley, before she stopped and touched her horns. "Oh, right..." She groaned, and reached into her pocket pulling out some hair pins, and began winding hair around her horns until she had part of her long hair down, and her horns covered up by two buns.

 Clearly satisfied with her work, she left the alley.

Now Eris was intrigued. This girl was a demon, but she seemed to get no malicious intent from her that she could see, she was clearly good with magic, and most importantly....

She had gotten a new player for this world, and she had detected the name of this girl.

"Oh Valerie, Valerie, Valerie. What fun we will have you and I." She smiled evilly and stroked the nearest star-creature that was nuzzling against her.

Now the real fun would soon begin.......

Well beasties, I'm done this chapter! I hope you've enjoyed this so far, and I know I have!(Pacman and the Ghostly adventures is one of my favorite guilty pleasures!)(Ans I'm having the other characters in human forms, for story reasons)

And now for my OC!

Here's what I imagine she looks like:

Here's how I imagine her hairstyle, with the two buns that hide the horns(This hairstyle is from one of my favorite characters, Hannah from The Rat Queens comics!):

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Here's how I imagine her hairstyle, with the two buns that hide the horns(This hairstyle is from one of my favorite characters, Hannah from The Rat Queens comics!):

Anyway more information about my OC, Valerie  will come later because I want to have a bit of mystery around her for now, so I'll see you beasties later with a new chapter for this!

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Anyway more information about my OC, Valerie  will come later because I want to have a bit of mystery around her for now, so I'll see you beasties later with a new chapter for this!

The tale of the horned girl and the ghost lord : Human!Betrayus x OCWhere stories live. Discover now