Chapter 10

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Hello my darling beasties! Yes, I'm finally back with another chapter of this story you all love so much (Five hundred and fifty something reads? And potentially more once I actually finish this chapter?  WOW! You guys are amazing!), and after like three months of not updating this story, I'm dragging my sorry ass back to give you another chapter! We'll be focusing a little more on the whole Eris/Adresta side-plot thingy I have going on, where we'll get a bit of a look at the two goddesses(mainly their different views and whatever), and get a little peer into the mind of everybody's favorite yellow orb....(Pacman in case you are wondering, although he is humanized like everyone else in this ).. plus a whole lot more discourse between the two goddesses and their different viewpoints....

Also, sorry for no art in that little space above my extremely long-winded introduction(mainly cause I mighta screwed up my humanization of Pac, so now I have to stick with it for continuity reasons) , but random, non-story related announcement! Check out Anti-CosmoFangirl's new story, that she's actually gotten published into a real book! It's her original story, The weight of the world, and lemme tell you as someone who's read what's on her page and is planning to buy the book when she isn't so poor... it's amazing! There's a link on this page if you wanna check out the book, or see their merch(damn, I need to stop buying Ninjago dvds), or you can just go to their Tumblr and tell them how wonderful their art is! Or you can check out their account on THIS very site here and read their stories!

Here's a link to their full book if ya want! :

Basically, this person deserves SO much support for what they do, so go and send them some love! (Their pmatga drawings helped me get inspired for this story, and I LOVE their art)

Now, back to what I was saying!

Anyways, I'm back and finally ready to begin writing again.... Starting with more stuff about Pac, because yes, he is in this story too! And hopefully I'm not mangling his character too much....(but if I am, please let me know, I'd really appreciate the feedback, because I'm always looking to improve)

Hope I'm not making anything too complicated by adding yet another character to focus on in this book, but then again, I did decide to focus on most of the main characters from the cartoon and add more to the plot/characters, plus develop and grow my own OC for the story...... *shrugs*  Oh well! And sorry if there isn't any Betrayus and Valerie stuff in this chapter, but don't you worry, we'll be getting right back to those two soon enough(because they're the REAL stars of the story, after all.... and they deserve all the best!)....

Anyway, hope you guys enjoy! :)

Eris's P.O.V

Despite her best efforts to convince herself otherwise, the discourse that she'd had with Adresta had..... unnerved the mostly unflappable goddess. No matter how much she tried to busy her mind with other matters, distract herself by attending to "business" on various other planes of existence, try to push the conversation with the goddess of order to the far recesses of her already chaotic mind, to somehow, somehow, take her mind off everything that'd happened.... How long ago was it again? Time out in-between the worlds passed strangely, you could turn your attention away from a single realm for what seemed like mere moments, only to find that several days in mortal time had gone by, sometimes weeks, even centuries if you were distracted enough.....

Really, she WAS so scatterbrained, especially as of late, considering all of her duties and responsibilities of chaos, visiting worlds and spreading discord as needed, always observing, never influencing any events directly, after all, it was a goddess's duty to merely observe the mortal plane. The mortals were more than capable enough to forge their own destinies without any additional divine help, perfectly good enough to live their brief lives any way they saw fit, evolved far beyond the piddling playthings of yesteryear that the immortal beings had once viewed them as.....  Of course, many gods had taken far too much advantage of the golden age, mainly a certain goddess of love who had made more than her fair share of "matches" (not that she was going to name any names)......

The tale of the horned girl and the ghost lord : Human!Betrayus x OCWhere stories live. Discover now