Chapter 6

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Oh look! A wild update! Quick my beasties, go and catch it! Anyway, I'm finally updating this story after about a month and the bit(I didn't do it sooner due to some personal issues I've been having), so please enjoy this chapter.....

Eris's P.O.V

How long had it been since she'd last checked up on the lovely little war? She wasn't entirely sure, as time didn't really matter to a goddess, who of all things had an eternity of life stretched out before her, who would really blame Eris if she just took a wee break from the constant lovely chaos in Pacworld to see to other matters....

Of course, checking up on other worlds, occasionally causing a bit of chaos here and there between the inhabitants-mortals were so easy to manipulate, but one had be careful to not mentally manipulate them, for planting things inside a mortal's mind often had disastrous consequences, often permanently damaging their fragile psyche, irreversibly twisting them, something even Eris herself would never dare do- occasionally sending out one of her beasts to cause a little trouble on one of the realms. (But never directly interfering. She'd learned her lesson from that a long time ago....)

But yet, her thoughts still drifted to Pacworld. Was anything interesting happening? She'd temporarily abandoned the world because of boredom(being a goddess, one tended to get bored of mortal antics from time to time), but maybe something interesting would happen once she checked up on the denizens of the little world. Maybe there'd be an interesting invasion plan from that funny little scientist that worked for her favorite, maybe the hero and his friends would go up against a new villain(maybe the little pointy-headed creatures would come back, they could be useful when things were feeling a little boring. But of course, those little creatures hadn't been seen in over a year after that battle.....),  or maybe she'd check in on the new player who had entered the board, to see if she'd bring anything interesting to the war..... (Or if things were boring, maybe she'd drop in another sea monster. That'd proved interesting.....)

Ah yes. The half-breed girl. Her appearance in the realm had genuinely surprised the goddess-and Eris wasn't normally one for surprises- and though she'd proved so far to be pretty ordinary(except for the obvious horns she kept covered up and whatever abilities she was hiding other than the obvious physical advantages that she had), not much more interesting than most of the denizens of Pacworld. Half-demons were rare, usually unheard of at times due to that particular species of beings(often immortal and varying in appearance from humanoid, to eldritch abominations of madness. She would know, she had one perused a relationship with the latter. It didn't end well. For the eldritch abomination at least.)

 Eris had watched the half-breed girl encounter her first ghost attack(for she had been rather curious on how the girl would handle herself), and to Eris's surprise the girl handled herself rather well throughout the whole attack, even rescuing a rather foolish teenager who'd got on the wrong side of a tentacled ghost. The half-breed had later befriended the teenage girl. Eris didn't particularly care why they were now friends, as she had other matters to attend to. She was a busy goddess! She didn't have time to just focus her attentions in one world! And besides, things would be fine without her for a while, she reasoned. What could happen?

But little did she know, that for the first time in a hundred years, how horribly wrong she'd be.....

Eris examined the planet, a frown forming across her elegant features. What was this? There had been some sort of attack that had happened in the time she'd been gone(a little over a week in mortal time), but unlike the ghost attacks which usually left the denizens of the realm terrified at first, for fear of their supernatural enemies(and those were usually resolved in a maddeningly short amount of time, with the hero swooping in like usual, foiling whatever evil plan, leaving the mortals safe and secure, yet again), this was...... more of a general sense of unease among the populace. The mortals were terrified, even if they tried to hide it, but their sense of unease still showed in their voices, they seemed to walk around with more care, fearfully glancing around at their surroundings, as if all of the creatures of the night were ready and waiting to drag them down into the shadows. They'd been badly scared by something, but what exactly?

The tale of the horned girl and the ghost lord : Human!Betrayus x OCWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu