Chapter 11

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Hello, hello my darling  beasties! Sorry I've been gone for what seems like an eternity(and I feel really bad about it, that I've been away for so long and haven't updated in like forever due to schedule conflicts), I've started college finals stuff(and it is also not fun, my anxiety has never been higher, and I'm either stressed all the time, in a panic about deadlines, in a creative slump, or just trying to write stuff but failing miserably and winding up watching YouTube speedpaints for an hour or goofing off instead of getting my shit together and finishing a chapter), so things have been pretty difficult to get out in terms of writing and art.... Anyway, I'm finally back with another chapter of this little story that you all seem to love so much! (And we've got just a teeny bit over six hundred reads on this bad boy! Holy crap, I never expected this weird little tale I wrote about a pretty niche little fandom to get this amount of love....Thank you guys so much! :) You're all fabulous!) But enough gushing from me, you're probably wondering about what's happening in this particular chapter(probably because I've been gone for like ten years and haven't updated this fic at all since I've started all this college stuff, and when I do manage to update, it is pretty freaking sporadic in terms of writing things and the whole actually remembering to update thing).... And I don't blame you!

But don't you worry I think you're gonna enjoy this......I can guarantee it. (and if you don't that's cool too! To each their own!)

We'll be finally getting some of what you've been waiting for(and I've been waiting for it too)..... That's right! Some actual bonding between our resident hothead and our horned girl..... it's probably about time, right?  Right? :)  I've been itching to do some actual bonding stuff for quite a while(like basically since they first met, but that probably wouldn't have been all that appropriate for story reasons, of course being a slow burn and all ), so now's the time!

Oh, and before we begin: the picture above does not belong to me, it is the artwork of AntiCosmoFangirl, an amazing artist, writer, and general amazing person!

So if any of you darlings are ever on Tumblr(having an account or just browsing or whatever), give them some love, ok? Because if there's one thing that is cool to do, it is give support to people who make great content!

Anyway, let's get started with this, and hope you darlings enjoy my pathetic attempt at some hurt-comfort type stuff(which I have never written before until now. Go figure.).....

Valerie's P.O.V

If anything, she'd become surprisingly adept at playing the "obedient  prisoner". Really, you just had to treat it like high school drama class, learn your lines, learn your placing in the scene at the right moment, and never, ever breaking your character......because, if anything, keeping your character was one of the most important components of telling a proper story.

Except, you know, you just had to not let on that you were planning your eventual  escape from a literal flaming ego castle literally located in the middle of hell, while pretending that everything was hunky-dory, and you totally weren't trying to plan your eventual escape......

And you had to navigate through interactions with your jailer, a man referred often to as the devil himself, appearing the subdued prisoner, while at the same time not letting on to the fact that you were  trying to figure out how your stupid manacles worked and how you could remove them without getting shocked like a naughty puppy-and rocking a 80's-esque hairstyle, in short, electrocution was NOT, yeah! Totally like drama class! 

Thankfully, Valerie hadn't had that many interactions with him since then, or had the chance to adress fully that for all of five seconds back there, they'd....... gotten along. Really, it was so strange,  so uncanny, that Valerie had almost chalked it up to be some sort of hallucination, just   a product of her screwed-up(and she had to be) mind that was searching for some sort of scrap of human kindness in that man.... but it did occur, she could remember the whole incident, and frankly, she didn't care about it anymore. Really.  If it was up to her, she'd be out of this castle in the time it took one to snap their fingers, giving no more thought to that callow shell of a man that dwelled within..... Yet, why on earth did she feel so... weird about the whole thing?  Also, due to her apparent inability to lie-really, she didn't think she was THAT bad at it-she was thankful that her interactions after whatever had ever so briefly occurred between the two of them had been nothing more than a single occurrence, and nothing more.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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