Chapter 7

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Well I'm getting another chapter out darlings, and this should be interesting! : ) More Valerie and Betrayus interactions! (Which will be.... rather interesting this chapter. If I do say so myself) Hope you enjoy it..... (Oh and the art above belongs to Anti-CosmoFangirl, who draws Betrayus really handsome(which is good!), and you should totally check out their other art on Tumblr, and give them lots of love!) Anyway, enjoy! (And hope I'm getting everyone's character right.....)

Betrayus's P.O.V

Six days. Had it really been that long already since a certain red-haired young woman(and one who wasn't entirely human) had so unceremoniously dropped out of the sky?

Well it seemed on hell of a lot longer, if he had to admit......

Betrayus scowled at the thought, his attention taken away from the slug cam's video feed currently playing over his monitor. After the events of the past few days, it was only natural that he'd crave just a little bit of time to himself, to catch up with the various drama happening in Pacworld(Maze high always proved interesting. Teenagers were basically magnets for angst and petty drama, providing a practically endless source of amusement.) but somehow he wasn't able to concentrate on the petty drama this time much to his chargrain.

Of course, his mind was on other matters, mainly concerning a particuarilly troublesome horned girl.....(He was dimly aware of a thud sounding from somewhere in his castle, however muffled it was, which he purposefully ignored. It probably wasn't anything he should be concerned with.)

Valerie Sawyer, as she called herself.  A girl who claimed to come from another world entirely (As Betrayus had heard her mention a couple too many times already, she really needed to learn when to shut up), a girl who ran like a deer and kicked like a damn mule(he knew this for a fact most unfortunately....).

And a girl who was much more trouble than she was worth, if these past few days had proved anything to him. Not only was she troublesome, she was rude, ignorant, and  zero respect for authority(among several other annoying qualities), but most annoyingly, she seemed to be determined to cause as much chaos as she possibly could, as if in response to being his prisoner.

Of course, finding somewhere where the girl could be less destructive had proved to be a challenge all in itself.....

He scowled as a few of the more..... memorable incidents she'd caused over the past few days came to mind...

He'd put her in the mines to do minor labor and she'd wound up starting a worker's riot!(she swore up and down she had no idea what had happened.  Yeah, it was not wonder he didn't exactly believe her, because that guard didn't hit himself with a shovel now, did he? )

He'd locked her in the dungeons and she'd convinced a group of prisoners to help her escape!

After that he tried to drag her out of the cell, and she kicked him in the balls!

Any attempt to try to question her about what she was doing in Pacworld, ended up in her making pop culture references instead of telling the truth!(He didn't know what was worse, that she had the gall to blatantly lie to his face, or the fact that he understood enough of her references to feel offended. No wait, it was both. Especially since she called him a squib with no small amount of insolence in her voice. Whatever that meant. It was probably something from one of those dumb fantasy series. Harold Pater or whatever.)

And not to mention all of the failed escape attempts she'd tried pulling(one after the other, almost like clockwork. Didn't she ever know when to quit? Of course, anyone with sense would have given up the hope of escaping, but apparently, not her.)

The tale of the horned girl and the ghost lord : Human!Betrayus x OCWhere stories live. Discover now