Chapter 9

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Hello my darling beasties, I'm finally back with another chapter of this story! (And holy crap, there's already slightly over 300 reads on this!  *tears up a little* You guys are so fabulous!) But a little note before we start. Remember the whole Eris/ Adresta side-plot thing I had going on? *had actually almost forgotten about that myself, whoops......* Well, we'll be focusing a little more on that this chapter, specifically with a character  that I've barely done anything with in this story as of yet: President Spheros. Because in this world, nothing is as seems, especially the President of Pacopolis.......(And I really hope that I'm doing his character right, especially since I'm going to be adding a bunch of stuff that corresponds to some ideas I've entertained personally(*thinks about how weirded out I was that Spheros was going to kill Pac over a food shortage among some other things I've thought about*), and have discussed a bit on Tumblr with certain people..... *has a mild stress attack at the prospect of introducing yet another character who I'm going to potentially stress over getting right*   )  But anyway, hope you guys enjoy, because stuff is going to get interesting......

Spheros's P.O.V

Nobody said whatever he had to do was going to be easy, but nevertheless, he persisted. It was one of his best qualities after all, the ability to take action in the face of a threat. It was one of the best qualities a leader could possess after all, and a much needed one at that.

And it was that quality that had helped him throughout the past week of all too troubling news....

Of course, he'd been concerned with other matters at the time, laws to approve, strengthening the country's military forces, and preparing for the 251rst annual Presidential gala happening in two months time; where he'd unveil his grand plan to put an end to this so-called "second ghost war" (as it was beginning to be referred to by certain groups....) for good this time(He'd prove that he was righteous, that he was the good man every one thought he was, because he was, wasn't he? Yes, that was it....) .....

But apparently, fate had other plans for him.

Mainly concerning an inhuman young woman, or as some of the more foolhardy populace called her: a demoness. He'd merely scoffed at the prospect of the whole idea at first. Demons were just creatures from children's stories, merely things put there to supplant some sort of lesson, not any sort of creature that existed in this known world. Even with the regular presence of ghosts, and an occasional slew of other supernatural creatures, the idea of a soulless beast from ancient myths and legends, could appear in this modern-day world was purely ridiculous, insane even! Spheros himself was a rational man, and he'd immediately dismissed the news when he'd first heard it. Honestly, reporters these days would do anything to get their viewer's attention or secure more reads to their silly gossip columns, so he'd merely deemed it nothing more than silly gossip at first....... 

That was until he'd seen the footage for himself of her(hands completely covered in the lifeblood of some poor fool) and her completely empty, dead eyes, looking up at a security camera before smiling an equally empty smile and dragging the poor sap near her feet(whether they were dead or comatose, it was unclear) away from the view of the camera before the video feed had cut out so unexpectedly.

So the old stories really had some semblance of truth to them after all, if there was such a thing as her that could exist in modern society without being immediately discovered......

A demoness......

 Who had a strange ability of being able to seamlessly blend in with society, hiding her ungodly powers with little to no effort. And  with slightly over a handful of people she'd so mercilessly slaughtered(and god, she hadn't exactly left much behind that would warrant for an open-casket funeral) now lying in coffins, the inhuman murderess had appeared to have vanished entirely from the very face of PacWorld, much to the bafflement of the police force and everyone else he had recruited in locating this  so-called "demoness".

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