Chapter 5

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Hello beasties, I'm back!!(Art above belongs to Anti-CosmoFangirl) Now if I remember correctly, Valerie was in a lot of trouble by the end of the previous chapter(literally landing on the ruler of the Netherworld would do that), and now after that we're going to get our first interaction between Valerie and Betrayus! Hope you enjoy this! (And I hope I get Betrayus's character right)

Well things could be not going any better, Valerie thought sarcastically as she was half dragged, half lead down a hall by her two ghostly captors. She had mostly given up with trying to struggle in the grasp of their tentacles, mainly because whenever she did, their tentacles would wrap more tightly around her arms, sending a dull burst of pain across her wounded arms. So, she had to settle for obeying her captors.

For now.

Of course, the reason she was in her current situation was due to the fact she may or may have not punched THE lord of the netherworld in the face.... (Even if she hadn't known it was him at first. Valerie hadn't exactly seen the infamous fire ghost before....)

Yeah, there was that little tidbit of info. Not only had she been attacked by some sort of creature that wore her face like a glove, most likely been framed for murder, and ended up falling through a portal(probably should have looked where she was going....), she had ticked off one of this world's worst and most evil being due to her carelessness, and as her father said, she'd soon pay the price for her actions....

But if she was honest, she didn't exactly expect for him to look the way he did...

Practically everyone in this world knew of his horrible deeds, and the way they spoke of them made Valerie picture someone, well, more monstrous looking, some sort of twisted creature made of flame and darkness, a twisted form to match the darkened soul. But he was actually....

Kind of good-looking if she would admit....

Valerie tried to shake off the thought. What was wrong with her?

Get ahold of yourself Valerie, you can't judge a book by the cover as it's said, but what about the contents?  Let's not forget that the devil was the most beautiful of the angels....

Eventually her ghostly captors reached their destination, a open side room somewhere deep within the castle-probably the dungeon- and shoved her roughly inside, leaving her to stumble for a few steps before she eventually regained her composure.

Wincing at the pain shooting up from her arm, Valerie turned around, only to witness a metal  door, sliding in place with a click. The ghosts leered at her, showing of their glowing teeth-god, they had glowing teeth-sending a vague chill right down Valerie's spine.

"We'll be seeing you later, if you're still around..." And with that, they were gone before she could even blink. Had they gone back the other way, had they phased through the wall or whatever it was that ghosts did? Valerie wasn't entirely sure at the moment, her mind was more preoccupied with other matters.

Valerie took in her surroundings, mind whirling, trying to think of what to do. Right at that moment, there was one thought on her mind: escape, before god-knows what happened to her. She was no fool, she had heard of what happened to those who had crossed the fire-ghost....

Okay, so there was no chance of her managing to slip through the bars of the cell, not anytime soon. They were done in some sort of strange pattern, one that gave her mind of a spider web. The most she could do was sort of fit her arm through one of the larger slots, but not very far at all.

There wasn't much else she could work with either, but wait! Didn't she still have her lodestone in her jacket pocket? Sure, it didn't have enough power to get her over a great distance at the moment, but maybe.....

The tale of the horned girl and the ghost lord : Human!Betrayus x OCWhere stories live. Discover now