Chapter 3

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Well beasties, its time for another chapter in this story of the show that's been my obsession for almost 6 years! And in this chapter, something really interesting will be happening(oh and mild gore warning!).......

It had been about a week since Valerie had arrived in Pacworld, and she was finally mostly used to the weirdness in this world. Mostly.

Things had been going pretty well for the half-demon woman, she'd made some friends(even if they were technically younger than her), gotten a job lined up, and had managed to keep her true self a secret, for now.

Sure, she probably wouldn't ever get used to the frequent ghost attacks, or the general weirdness that seemed to happen every day, but hey, she hadn't exactly had the most normal life in the world where she was originally from either......

She was taking out the keys to her apartment, preparing to go in, when some rather troubling thoughts came over her, things she'd been trying desperately to avoid thinking about.

But you're still hiding from everyone who you really are..... A nagging voice in her head told her. Didn't you leave in the first place because of what happened with your ex and the events after that, you probably remember what.....

Shut up, Valerie thought, desperate to not be reminded of that incident..... but the little inner voice continued.

And here, you still have to put up the pretense that you are normal, just like back at home, but instead of  there being others like you, you're all by yourself here. And this world isn't exactly friendly to supernatural creatures either, you're more likely to be branded a threat or  even banished from here entirely if you reveal yourself....

Oh, and what about your little friend  Dicey? How long do you think she's going to keep silent about what she saw you do?  And how long before she wonders what exactly is under your rather unique hairstyle? I mean, she's not exactly the type of girl who is going to keep something like that secret forever.......

....Didn't think this through exactly did you Valerie, you just go ahead and do things, not thinking about what consequences your actions will have......

Valerie gritted her teeth, and slumped slightly, her forehead bumping against the door to her apartment. She let out a sigh.

"What am I even doing?" It was true, she didn't have the best reputation for thinking things through, but she couldn't go back, she wanted a fresh start after all, and here she could get it, but had she screwed it up already?

As she pondered what she should do, a muffled noise came from the floor above, making her pause. It was a thump, and then the sound of something heavy being dragged down the hall.....

Valerie felt a little chill go down her spine. Whatever was going on, it didn't sound particularly good. It could be nothing, but she wouldn't know until she saw for herself..... Leaving the door to her apartment behind, and after reaching into her purse for her disguised knife , Valerie walked up the flight of stairs to the next floor, despite a warning from the little voice in her head....

Oh Valerie, always leaping before you look.....

When she finally got to the next floor, well, what she saw nearly froze the blood right in her veins.....

Blood. A long streaky trail of it, lighter red around the outside, and darker red on the inside, starting from where she was currently standing, and turning right into the door of someone's apartment.... The whole hall was eerily silent, all the doors seemed to be closed tight, and when Valerie passed by one of them, she felt someone's gaze on her, but when she turned around, the door had closed with a click, leaving her alone. Whatever had happened here, it had been enough to terrify everyone into hiding..... Her grip tightened on her knife, the enchantment used to disguise it disappearing.

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