Chapter 1

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Hello my beasties! It is time for another chapter of this little story! In this chapter, we will see Valerie settle down in a new apartment, and make a plan to fit in in this new world.... (I'll briefly mention Valerie's family in this, who might appear in this. Let's just say that Valerie is connected to some of my OCS....)Hope you enjoy!

"Okay, welcome to Pacopolis towers. Luxury apartments with charms." The violet-haired man with the vaguely bored voice opened the door to the apartment, allowing Valerie to look upon the apartment. It was....

Rather small. When Valerie had looked up available apartments in Pacopolis, she had tried to find the cheapest one due to the fact she didn't want to reveal how much money her dad had given her before she had left(due to her dad's rather.... unique line of work, it was nearly a thousand dollars. Her father Don Demonio, was always generous to his adopted daughter.). And since she had turned twenty recently, everyone would just think she was a normal cheap college student. Which was perfect.

Valerie tried to not let her disappointment show. "Oh, wow..." Luxury apartments indeed. But it was the only place that had opened up, so she shouldn't complain.....

The man continued on. "Okay, here's your key. Its your only copy so don't lose it." He handed her the key to Valerie and looked at her pointedly, probably taking note of her current state of dress. "Laundry is located in the basement, and anything else you might be wondering about, there's a paper in one of the kitchen cabinets. I don't want to have to tell you anymore than I have to. Already had to go through this crap with the past three tenants."

Wait, three tenants? "So they left? Did they not like the neighborhood or something?" Valerie asked, vaguely curious.

The man gave a rueful laugh. "No. Something about how they were tired of invasions happening at all hours of the night or something." Invasions? Valerie was confused. Was this city at war with another country or something? She hadn't seen any signs of war like armed troops in the streets or anything, this world had looked rather peaceful.

"Wait, invasions?"  Valerie asked. The man ignored her, tucked his button down shirt into his khakis  and began to walk down the hall towards the elevator.

Then he turned back to her. "Oh and one more thing. Watch out for the ghosts."

Wait what did he just say? "Ghosts?" She asked, but the man was already heading back down the hall. She heard him respond: "I don't need to tell you anymore." before he went into the elevator and it closed with a ding.

Valerie stood there for a moment, extremely confused, before she saw two people carrying boxes pass by her new place. Okay, time to make an impression, she told herself.

"Oh hi! I'm Valerie, and I'm your new neighbor..." One of the guys rudely cut her off.

"Yeah? Well we're loud. Don't expect us to apologize for it, doll." He said, looking her up and down, smirking.

"Come on dude, be nice." The other guy muttered, clearly already 100% done  with whatever was going on between his friend? Roommate? Nasty boyfriend? Whatever. It was pretty obvious the other  guy was kind of a jerk.

But at least she knew how to deal with these types of people. She gave her sweetest smile and continued. "Yeah? Well guess what? I don't give a damn whether you are or not, as long as you are  a halfway decent person instead of the insufferable jerk you are acting like right now. Otherwise then you and me will have a real problem, buddy. And you do not want that believe me." This seemed to shock the guy into silence, so she turned to leave before  leaving one last remark.

The tale of the horned girl and the ghost lord : Human!Betrayus x OCWhere stories live. Discover now