Chapter 8

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Hello my darling beasties, it's finally time for another chapter of my Betrayus x OC story! About time, right? (Sorry it's been so long, my darlings, but now I'm finally back at it.....) ( And there's almost 200 reads already on this, and there'll probably be even more when I'm finished this chapter..... *sniffle* *tears up a little* You guys are so awesome! Every one of you darlings!) Anyway, let's focus on some more important matters, mainly diving into some more Betrayus and Valerie interactions! (Now the challenge for me is to just get them to actually begin to tolerate each other, then go from there into the good stuff....)  Which is probably the reason you're here, to see more interactions between the  half demon  and the hot-tempered fire ghost, right? Right?  ; )  Oh, and before I forget to tell, the art above belongs to the wonderful  Anti-CosmoFangirl, not me(my art is not as good, sadly. But one day it will be better! Hopefully........ ), so be sure to send her(Anti-CosmoFangirl)some love for her awesome artwork and fanfics (she draws one of the best humanized version of Betrayus I've ever seen, and her humanized Pythor drawings are really amazing as well, and as well as a ton of her  art!  It's good stuff, trust me!) on Tumblr and this very site here! So be sure to send them some love for their awesome work! Now, with all that out of the way, let's finally begin.....(and I really, really, really  hope that I'm getting everyone's character right, especially since I have to worry about yet another character that I'm introducing in this chapter....*sweats nervously*, but anyway, hope you beasties like it!)

Valerie's P.O.V

Okay, Valerie had to admit, that her escape plan from the castle was going to be  way more difficult  to execute than she'd originally thought it was going to be.......(Of course, it wouldn't be easy, did you ever think that this was going to be easy you stupid girl? I mean, it isn't like you are trying to escape from one of this world's greatest enemies or anything..... Oh wait, you are!  How could you have forgotten?  I mean, you'd have to be utterly brainless to not remember that! You're literally trying to escape from the very  equivalent of  the Underworld, so I don't know why you'd ever think it was going to be easy..... You're in the devil's domain now, little girl, and now you can never leave...... After all, he isn't going to let you just waltz out of here all easy-like, back to your old life....  If you really thought he'd just let you run off with no repercussions, you're an even bigger fool than you look you  utterly foolish, stupid, stupid  girl.....)  Her various, somewhat semi-healed injuries from the previous days ached in agreement to that statement(okay, so maybe one day of actual rest wouldn't be enough to feel 100% okay again. Especially since her body was still so battered from the previous days of failed escapes and other chaos, and she was pretty sure she'd ended up bruising her knuckles from punching the wall last night out of utter  frustration. Now, with her still sore knuckles still dully aching hours later, she regretted that course of  action. Totally her fault of course, because of her own carelessness...).

She'd known from the day before that Betrayus wouldn't let her get away so easily-which was probably why she now had those "things" strapped tightly around her wrists- said "things" which acted like those collars that you use to shock a misbehaving dog into submission, further preventing her from even leaving the very castle(but how exactly far she could move within the castle, she had no clue. How far did the limits of those "things" around her wrists exactly reach? That would be important to know, she reasoned.  She'd need to figure that out pretty soon, if she wanted to try again to escape....).

And to add insult to injury, there was that one particular event that had happened the previous night, which she recalled with no small amount of anger on her part(it still pissed her off to no end to be even thinking about their previous exchange from last night, much to her dismay) .......

"Are you serious right now?"  Valerie could hardly believe what she'd just heard(He wouldn't, he just wouldn't, she was already pissed off enough as it was, this would just make things worse for her later if she just reacted yet again without thinking.......) , thinking that  there was no way, simply no way, no possible way that he'd actually do-

The tale of the horned girl and the ghost lord : Human!Betrayus x OCWhere stories live. Discover now