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I refused to shift back no matter how many times the other wolves bit and tugged and flung my body around. I was too weak. There was a chance I wouldn't have the energy to stay awake and I didn't want anything to happen to my sleeping body. 

The three wolves had changed back, naked as the day they were born but shameless. That was normal with pack mates most of the time, considering they were always changing and shifting in front of each other, but wasn't normal to me. 

They took me to a huge building, the pack house, then drung me down into the basement and locked me into a cell. 

Bleeding, in pain, and starving, all I could do was lay there on the cool concrete of the cell floor. 

"Are you going to shift back now?" The man, the one were who tackled me, now had a pair of jean shorts on. Him and his buddies stood at the opening of the cell, the door open. They held a hose, and fear ripped through me when they pointed it at me. When I didn't give any inclination that I had even heard him, a jet of cold water ripped hard at my fur. I yelped and tried to recede into the far corner of the cell but the ice cold water followed me. 

The water felt like it would peel my skin from my bones and I curled up into a ball in the corner, whimpering pathetically. The assault suddenly stopped and I heard the men talking. 

"The Alpha's son is on his way," one of them said. 

They all turned back to me. "Ya hear that?" The one holding the hose hissed. "He's gonna teach you a lesson for disobeying others and trespassing!" 

Trespassing? Had I really gone that far from my own home? 

Before I could think about it too long, another violent spray of ice water attacked me. The men laughed when I ran desperately around my cell, whining and whimpering. The water soon stopped but started right back up when I laid down. My hind leg was bleeding bad and the one were had hit the bone so I was limping around pathetically. My sides burned from the bites the werewolves delivered me and I was shaking from the water that chilled my bones. Fur was missing along my sides from the bites. 

With the water still spraying me, I curled up into a ball and cried, my whines echoing in the cell. The water would stop for a few seconds then start right back up. It was torture. I was sure my skin was being rubbed raw and peeling away. I was shaking so hard my vision was trembling. Pain was ripping through my stomach and I almost puked. 

I was just about to pass out when a loud voice boomed, "What is going on!" 

The water shut off and I looked up to see Stephan glaring accusingly at the men. He turned to me and I couldn't help but wag my tail weakly. He was here... I didn't realize how much I missed him. 

Stephan looked at me oddly before taking in a deep breath. His eyes widened as he caught my scent and I let out a whimper. He shoved the men aside and ran into my cell. "Tony, my mate!" He cried, and I saw the men's faces pale. He knelt down beside me, hands hovering over me. "Oh amour, qu'est ce qu'ils vous ont faitmon ceour?"

I whined and nuzzled him, needing comfort. I knew it was wrong. I knew I shouldn't let him get too attached to me, but I needed this. I needed him. 

He swiftly turned back to the men. "You'll pay for this, you bastards!" He snarled, raw fury dripping off his words. 

His voice softened when he spoke to me. "Can you change back, beau?

I whimpered but complied. Pain shot through my stomach, forcing me to stop halfway through the process, but I managed to shift painfully back eventually.

When I looked up, the men were gone. "Easy, mon amour, it's alright," Stephan soothed, bringing me into his lap. I was shivering violently. I knew for a fact he could smell my fear; it was in the air, heavy and humid like fog. "You'll be okay, Tony." He smoothed my wet hair back from my face and I couldn't help but bury my face into his chest and cry, breathing in his comforting scent. Stephan rocked me gently, every once in a while saying something soothing in French. 

It hit suddenly. I let out a strangled cry and Stephan stiffened. "What's wrong?" He asked, his voice very concerned. "Where are you hurt?" I was gripping my stomach, pain making my head spin. When he tried to pry my arms away from my stomach, I whimpered and pulled away. "I won't hurt you, beau," he promised, trying once again to pull my arms away. 

Once he did, he gasped. I looked down to see a lump there that wasn't there before in my stomach.

I looked back up into his eyes, those gorgeous grey eyes, then turned my head just in time as I vomited then blacked out.

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