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I normally hated waking up, but being surrounded by my mate's scent and in a comfy, king sized bed made it easier to come to. 

Stephan had wrapped me up in his clothes so I would be comforted when I woke. 

Looking around, I saw that I was back in his cabin. The smell of bacon and eggs wafted through the room. My stomach growled hungrily. 

I stood up but cried out as pain shot up my leg. I looked down to see it was wrapped in a clean, white cloth. I also noticed I was wearing one of Stephan's boxers. He had seen me... 

The lump in my stomach was still present and I shuddered thinking about how he saw the long, claw mark scars I had running down from my right shoulder blade to my tailbone. The price I paid for coming out to my father. 

My sides had bandages patched along them from where the other weres had bit and slung me around. They burned when I touched the bandages. 

"Are you alright?" 

I jumped when Stephan spoke from the doorway to his large bedroom. "Sorry," he murmured, coming over to sit down beside me, "I didn't mean to scare you. How are you feeling?" 

"Tired," I replied, "and in pain." 

He frowned. "I'm sorry about what my protectors did to you, amour. They will be dealt with appropriately." 

I shook my head and met his soft eyes. "They thought I was a trespasser." 

Stephan smiled kindly. "You had wandered into our territory. Well, our territory, mi amour.

I sighed at his words. "I didn't know you were the Alpha's son." 

"My father and I moved to the U.S. as a pack and he was the Alpha in our country." 

"Why did you move?" 

Stephan shuffled closer to me and I inched away from him slowly. 

Don't get attached don't get attached don't get attached - 

Stephan sighs, his fingers tracing the patterns along his comforter. "My father didn't like how the neighboring Alpha's treated there pack members. Got tired of hearing them scream and cry." 

My voice softened, "What were the Alphas doing?" 

A deep growl was emitted from the back of his throat and I shivered. "Raping the women and beating the males. Taking the pups from their mothers' own hands. It was disgusting, horrible."

I didn't know what to think. After a moment of silence, I breathed, "I'm so sorry, Stephan." 

Stephan chuckled lightly and and put his hand over mine. "No need to apologize, beau. Tis not your fault. And we're here now -" he stretched his arms, gesturing around the room - "and it is much better here." He hesitantly put an arm around my shoulders. "It's better here now that I have you, mi amour.

I winced at that statement as his amazing scent surrounded me. "Why do you not want to be my mate?" Stephan whispered, hurt in his voice. My eyes burned with hot tears as I glanced at my stomach. Stephan noticed and removed his arm from my shoulders around placed a gentle hand over the lump on my belly. "Does it have something to do with this?" He whispered softly, warm breath brushing my ear. My tears dribbled down my eyes and I slowly leaned into him. 

Don't get attached...

I placed my hand over his, trying to hold back my sobs. "I-I can't tell you." 

Stephan pulled me into a gentle hug. "You're my mate, beau, you can tell me anything." My body shivered in pleasure at his closeness and I buried my face in his neck, breathing in his calming scent. "Whatever it is, I can help, mon ange."

"You can't!" I cried, my hands gripping his back, shoulders, trying to keep him from leaving. I knew he would after he found out. He would leave. Who would want to be mated to someone who was sick...

"Whatever it is, I'll do my best to help you, mon loup," he promised, his hand rubbing my back soothingly, fingers tracing my scars. I felt myself slowly relax into him though I continued to sob. 

I shook my head, feeling familiar pain begin to burn in my abdomen. I clutched my stomach, my throat beginning to convulse and I gagged. Stephan quickly pulled away to shove the small trash can in front of me. 

I dry heaved and gagged, but nothing came up considering my stomach was empty. I could feel Stephan's warm hand rubbing my back as I dry heaved. I dry heaved so much, I began to throw up bile. 

"Oh honey, are your sick?" Stephan questioned, worry in his voice. "Do you have the flu?" 

I shook my head, tears running off my nose. I sobbed, bringing him closer to me, holding him tight. I felt so safe in his arms, like not even my sickness could get the best of me.

Stephan gently grabbed my face in his hands, forcing me to look at him. "Please," he begged, "tell me what it is." 

I shook my head, a sob escaping me. "I-I can-can't."

His gray eyes were filled with worry and I wanted so badly to lean into him and close the gap between us. But I knew better. I forced myself to pull away, despite by body and mind needing him. I squeezed my eyes shut tight as my trembling worsened. I felt my mate grab my hand, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. I hate how soothing it all felt, how it was so easy to be with him. 

"How about we go eat? That'll help make you feel better, yeah?" Stephan asked, though I could hear how his voice cracked slightly. I nodded and slowly stood up. Pain shot up my leg and Stephan grabbed me before I could fall. "Sorry, I forgot." I was about to say he didn't need to apologize but in one swift motion, he lifted me up. 

I blinked, surprised as how easily carried me to the dining area. I wondered if it was because I was so skinny or if he was just really strong. The delightful aroma of his cooking surrounded us and my stomach gave another loud grumble. Stephan laughed, and I swore it was the best sound I had ever heard. 

After pulling out a chair with his foot, he plopped me down in it and set a plate of food that was piled high and a glass of orange juice in front of me. I wondered how I was going to be able to eat all of this. He sat down across from me though the table was small enough I could reach out and touch him. 

I couldn't help it, I dug it, shoveling the eggs into my mouth and ripping into the strips of bacon like a wild animal. Stephan watched me, his eyes wide. "Uh - slow down, please. I don't want you to throw up again, minou.

I blushed, watching him as he slowly eat. I mimicked him, trying to pace myself. I wasn't even half way done when I could feel myself already full. Stephan frowned when I set down my fork. "You're done already?" He questioned, glancing at my nearly full plate. I shrugged. My sickness made it hard to eat at times. 

"Why'd you make bacon and eggs?" I asked, trying to change the subject. "I thought the French ate crepes for breakfast." He laughed heartily and I found myself leaning closer to hear it better. I hoped I would hear him laugh more. 

"No, petit canard, I normally eat a croissant with coffee." 

I blinked. "Oh, well why did you make eggs and bacon?" 

He gave me a kind smile. "Because I know a lot of Americans like to eat eggs and bacon for breakfast and I hoped you would like it." 

I hid my smile by taking a drink of my orange juice.

What's wrong with Tony? 

What do you think about Stephan? 

Tellz please! 

Love ya! 


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