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An odd repetitive sound meets my ears. My eyes refuse to open; they are so heavy. It hurts every time I breathe.

"-waking up!" 

At the sound of a familiar voice, I peel my eyes open. "Lily?" I cough, my throat dry. "Lily, what happened?" 

Someone grabs my hand. "I'm right here Tony." 

I slowly sit up, blinking. A doctor was standing beside her. "Where's Stephan?" 

Lily looks at me funny, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "Who?" 

I look around frantically. "My mate, Stephan. Where is he?" Something feels wrong. Very, very wrong. 

Lily glances at the doctor standing beside her. She slowly looks back at me. "Tony," she murmurs, "there's no Stephan." 

My heart sinks. "What do you mean? He's my mate! He was just here before... before the cancer-" 

"Wait, what?" Lily says, frowning. "What cancer? You don't have cancer. And there's no Stephan." She looks closer at me. "Do you even know why you you're here?"

"Because I have cancer." 

Lily shakes her head, dirty blond hair falling around her shoulders, and I could feel my paranoia rising. "You ran out of the house and into the street. You were hit by a car." She pauses, watching me with concerned eyes. "After mom and dad kicked you out..."

The panic that had hit before makes my blood run cold. Hit by a car? No, I dodged that car. It never hit me. "What?" 

Before Lily could say anything, the doctor came towards me. She checks my eyes, ears, and temperature. She then feels my head. It was then I notice my ribs are taped. When I run my fingers over them, the doctor says, "You broke three ribs; all on your left side where the car initially hit you. The impact sent you flying and you hit your head on a rock." She checks my head a second time. "Do you remember any of that?" I shake my head. Lily is now beginning to freak out. 

"He doesn't remember?! What do you mean you don't remember, Tony?!" 

I flinch at her outburst. "I don't remember! You think I'm not freaking out?! Where the fuck is my mate!?" 

"You haven't found your mate yet! Do you not remember anything?" 

I grit my teeth. She was wrong. She had to be. "Please." My voice breaks. "Please, where is Stephan?" 

I could feel my tears spilling over my cheeks. 

Lily's face softens. "Tony," she whispers, her voice softer. "There's no Stephan." 

My tears increase. "I want out of here. Now." 

"You can't-" 

I growl lowly, feeling my teeth start to shift. Pain exploded behind my face.

"He can leave." The doctor. "It might be better for him if he does." 


Lily takes me back to my parents house. 

There's no trace of him. It's like he never existed. Not any strands of hair, any food he used to bring me, not even his scent anywhere.

Was that all a wistful dream? I know I wasn't hit by that car. Maybe I was. I could've sworn that car missed me. I had moved out of the way. 

I guess I wasn't quick enough. 

When I walk in behind Lily, my mom and dad are glaring at me. 

"What the hell is he doing here?" My father snaps. 

"His whole presence stinks up our house, I told you not to bring that-that... demon back here!" Mom turns to me. "Your sinful ways will damn us all!" 

I can't believe my ears. What the actual fuck? Dad grabs me by my ear. I hiss in pain and try to weasel away from him but a swift punch to the gut stops me. 

Lily cries out my name when I'm thrown to the floor. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" She shrieks at our parent figures. "He's your fucking son!"

"He's no son of ours!" Dad barks, shoving me back down when I try to stand up. 

"How dare you!" 

How dare me?! No, how dare you!" Something hits my bruised ribs and I scream, feeling them break more under the pressure. Through blurry eyes I see my dad's foot pressing down on my broken ribs. "I told you to never bring him back here and you deliberately disobeyed me! His sinful ways will poison us! He must leave! The Son is returning and I will not be burdened with a faggot for a son!" He stomps so hard it feels like my lungs are shattering. Blood pools into my mouth. "Now get him out of here!" 

Finally the pressure is gone and Lily is helping me stand. We get to the door and she hesitates. I see the tears in her eyes and my heart cries out for her. "I hope you burn in hell," is all she says before slamming the door in their faces. 

Lily helps me to her car and into the passenger side before getting in herself, all the while my parents are screaming profanities at us. I can't imagine how much this pains her; she could've left me and chose to side with her parents but she chose to help me. 

Lily is crying as she drives home. I hold her hand and tell her everything is going to be okay. This does little to ease her suffering. 

As we're driving, I see the old studio apartment I had rent, and before I knew it, I was screaming, "STOP!" 

Lily slams on the breaks and turns to look at me with fire in her eyes. "What the hell, Tony!" I'm already out of the car and my heart is hitting so hard against my chest that I barely notice the hostility in her voice. 

Stumbling up to the apartment, I pat down my pockets to find I have no key. Examining the door, I see something that makes my heart stop. A note is nailed to the door. The house has been evicted. The date on the paper about knocks me off my feet. 10 months ago? No, this isn't right. 

"Tony?" Lily's hesitant voice breaks through my rising panic. 

I stumble to the back of the house and follow the trail I know leads to Stephan's pack house. Lily is racing after me. "Tony, stop! You're hurt! Do you even know where you're going?" 

"Yes!" I shout, desperation clawing at my insides. He has to be there. He has to be there. Everything will be okay once you see him. 

I'm going faster and faster and Lily is running after me and I'm running through the trees while smacking aside branches when- 

There's no house. 

Where once the pack house stood is now just a vacant clearing. A strangled cry leaves my lips and I fall to my knees. He's not here he's not here he's not here- 

"STEPHAN!" I scream, sobbing so hard my body is shaking. "Stephan, where are you?!" 

Someone grabs my shoulders. Lily is searching my eyes, fear blazing in hers. "He's not here," I blubber, crying so hard I vomit. "He's not here." 

"Shh." Lily holds me close to her. "Everything's going to be alright. We'll find him." 

I don't know if she has finally realized I'm not going crazy or is she's just humoring me, but as long as we find him, I won't care. 

Stephan, where'd you go? 

OMG. Who saw that coming!? 

Sorry about the cliffhanger! 

Love you all! 

Please comment, 


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