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It's the first time since I've gotten out of the  hospital that I'm looking at my face in the mirror. 

I'm not necessarily shocked per say; it's more of a confirmation now than anything else. A white, jagged, thick scar stretches across my cheekbones, thickening as it curves onto my nose, then thins back out onto my other cheek. To see the other scar I have to tilt my head back. It's worse, running across the underside of my jaw in a thick pink line. Keloid scarring, I think is what it's called? It still hurts if I push on it, oddly enough. 

Outside the temperature has dropped double, now down to 34 degrees Fahrenheit (one degree Celsius). It's cold even in the house, and I turn up the heat. Stephan is still asleep in bed, and I envy his ability to sleep through almost anything, anywhere. 

I turn back to the mirror, frowning at my appearance. The frown just makes me look even more disgusting. Sighing, I turn away to head into the kitchen to make breakfast. 

Someone's phone ringing about makes me jump out of my skin. I quickly run to decline the call on Stephan's phone. Thankfully he doesn't wake up and I roll my eyes at how much of a deep sleeper he is. 

My eyebrows furrow together when I see that he has missed yet another call from the Alpha. I have a vague idea what it's about and my suspicious is confirmed when Stephan receives a text from his dad. 

Another murder. Need you here now! 

I set his phone down quietly, knowing I needed to wake him up. He hasn't even had breakfast yet. 

I fight against my better judgment and go to make him some toast with strawberry jam, hoping he'd like it. Once the toast is done, I run into his room and shake him awake. His gray eyes open blearily. He groans at the light and shut his eyes tight. "What time is it?" 

"Almost ten in the morning, get your lazy ass up," I tease, shoving his shoulder lightly. He let's out another groan and rolls over. I snicker. "Come on, get up." This time I try tickling him, only to receive no response. I gasp in fake shock. "You're not ticklish!" He lifts his head to give me a sly grin. I snort at him before shoving his shoulder again, causing him to growl lowly. The sound sends pleasant shivers down my spine and I briefly wonder what it would be like to have him growl deeply like that while his mouth is wrapped around my- 

"You brought me breakfast?" 

I blink out of my daydream, slightly flustered, but I manage a smile. "I did!" I proudly thrust the plate into his hands. He smirks at my expression. 

"Wow," he jokes, "you must've slaved for hours over this." 

"Yeah, I worked really hard standing beside the toaster. And spreading that jam on it - phew! - what a workout!" I wipe fake sweat off my forehead dramatically. 

We both grin at each other before busting out laughing like two idiots. 

Our laughter fades and I tell him his dad had called and text. His face goes stony as soon as he reads it and once again he gearing up while rapidly eating the toast I made him. I groan as I watch him. My mate throws an eyebrow up in my direction. "Can't I go with you?" I whine. "I hate being apart from you!" I give him the best puppy dog eyes I can, knowing it'll reel him in. 

Stephan groans loudly. "You know I can't say no to that face." I whimper which puts the icing on the cake. "Oh, fine!" I'm about to fist pump the air but the stern look he's giving me makes me freeze. 

"This isn't a game," he says seriously, collecting all of my attention. "This is real shit, Tony. These are real werewolves; real, dead, werewolves." He places both of his hands onto my shoulders and his eyes are gleaming. "There will be blood. There could possibly be babies. I just want you to be prepared for what you could see." 

I swallow and nod at Stephan. "I understand. Blood doesn't phase me. Though the kid thing..." 

A hand runs through his hair. "Rarely are there ever kids in situations like these. Alpha didn't give me much information; he might not have much." He pauses as if collecting his thoughts. "Nearly every day the Alpha will send out scouting troops to check the perimeter for any lone wolves, trespassers, or humans on the territory. Thankfully we found the werewolf before one of the humans did. You can't tell just by looking at it, but if humans were to do some tests on the were, they'd be in for a big surprise." 

Little did I know how much of a surprise I was in for. 



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