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Stephan's POV

My mate kept screaming to just go to sleep. I had never wanted to heal someone this much before. My soul was bleeding - crying out for my love. 

I had never seen Tony like this before. He looked like a walking skeleton and when he screamed... 

I tried desperately to be there for him and keep a straight face. I held his hand, kissed his tears away. They had to put him in a medical coma. The pain he was in was too great. 

Lily insisted on other options; we couldn't just keep him in a coma forever and they knew it. Surgery was brought up. I couldn't agree. Lily sat me down and had a long talk with me. "You don't want the little time he has left for him to be in pain, do you?" 

I couldn't disagree.

The were doctors finally agreed to try surgery to see if they could remove the tumor. It was very risky and the percentages of him living were extremely low. I prayed for the best. 

What else could I do?

Doctors told us that Tony's survival rate was less than four percent. The tumor had grown, manifesting onto neighboring organs, making it stage four stomach cancer. 

I was told to be prepared for anything. Weres are strong, but not invincible. 

I prayed for my Tony all day. 


I didn't leave the hospital the entire time during the surgery - which was a total of three hours. 

When the doctors finally came and got me, they're faces were distressed. My heart was pounding and my palms sweaty. 

"How is he? Is he okay?" 

One of the doctors, a female, gestured towards a chair. "Sit down please." 

I sat down. "Please," I begged. "Is Tony alive?" 

The doctor gave me a reassuring smile. "Yes, your mate is alive." I didn't miss the slight wince at the end of her sentence. 

"But..." I urged. 

"Tony's in a coma," she blurted. 

I stiffened. "What?" 

I stood up. "Take me to him." 

They must've sensed the underlying threat because they led me down the hallway, past what seemed like a million rooms. Finally we reached a room where the doctor opened the door. I stepped in and almost fell to my knees. 

My mate laid there, breathing tubes running down his throat and in his nose. He was so pale and thin, too skinny; he looked dead. And that scared me so much. 

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