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The first thing I notice when I wake up is the hazy feeling in my mind. Everything's like a dream; slow, fuzzy- it doesn't feel real. 

"Stephan," I whimper and peel my eyes open. Unfamiliar scents fill my nose and I'm looking at a white wall. 

A warm hand grasps mine. "I'm right here beau​​​​​​.

What happened? Something happened- what was it? 

"Wha's goin' on?" My speech slurs and I'm not sure why, it feels like I'm talking normally. 

"You were hurt amour." His voice cracks and I look over at him. 

I raise an eyebrow as I meet his vibrant stormy eyes. "How bad?" 

His smile trembles. "Pretty bad ange.

" 'ell me." 

Stephan is still holding my hand in both of his. His lips press against my fingertips. "Chloe tore your stomach baby." His eyes are glistening with tears. "They're starting on chemotherapy for you." 

"Why don't I feel any pain?" My words sound funny. 

Stephan's hand caresses the top of my bare head. It's surprisingly comforting. "Morphine. But it's going to start wearing off. They have to to keep you awake beau.

I stretch my jaw and a twinge of pain shoots around my face. I reach up to touch my nose but a series of bandages covers it. My eyes feel more swollen than normal and I wonder if they're blacked. "Wa's gunna 'appen now?" 

Stephan blinks and tears run down his perfect face. Is he crying over me? I don't like that. I reach up and wipe away his tears and he catches my hand and kisses it. "They're going after my sister. You're in a were hospital." He takes a feel breath. "Your chemotherapy will start soon after you've recovered from this... incident." 

I look down. I whisper, "How long?" 

"What?" Stephan's warm hands are still holding mine. 

I meet his eyes, my own blurrying with tears. My voice is barely audible. "How long do I have left?"  

Stephan's face twists and more tears dribble down his cheeks. "Don't talk like that!" He snaps at me. I flinch but narrow my eyes at him. 

"I'm not just going to sit here and not know how long I have left to live. It's my life, I deserve to know." 

Stephan's stormy eyes stare into mine. "They don't know." 

I sigh and squeeze his hands. "It'll be okay." 

He laughs. Actually laughs through this tears. "I'm supposed to be telling you that," he says, reaching forward to swipe a lone tear off my face. 

I shrug and tell him that I couldn't imagine being in his shoes. He doesn't say anything at that, just grips my hand more tightly. 

Days pass slowly and I find myself getting increasingly bored. Stephan marks me again after a few days and I start to heal better almost immediately. Marking has special healing properties and can help calm whoever it is you're marking. 

Soon after, they start my chemotherapy. 

Stephan stays by my side every day, requested from his Alpha that he's with me while I'm going through this instead of doing his job. I can tell Stephan's worried. His eyes have bags under them and he looks pale. I tell him to eat but he has a hard time with his nerves being up. 

Stephan hates it when I have my daily shot and tends to growl deeply in his throat when they give me in. Needless never bothered me much, as a kid I was always sick so they were constantly giving me shots and drawing blood. 

The chemotherapy makes me incredibly weak. Stephan has to help me go to the bathroom because my legs would shake and I have a hard time supporting myself. I try not to let it show, but I'm terrified. Stephan kept trying to stay strong for me but I knew he was just as scared as I was, maybe even more so. 

"I don't want to die," I tell him one night while writhing in agony. 

"You're not going to die beau," he says, kissing my fingers. 

I ignore him. "I'm not scared of death," I whisper, and Stephan meets my eyes. "I'm scared of not being with you."  

"I love you so much." He holds my hand tightly as his face twists. 

"I love you too," I say, gripping his hand weakly. 

I shiver and pull my beanie down farther over my head. "Are you cold? Hold on, I'll go ask for more blankets." Before I could stop him, he was out the door. He returned a few minutes later holding a small pile of folded blankets. I narrow my eyes at him. 

"What's wrong?" I ask as he walks over and sets the blankets down. 

"There's people here to see you." 

I furrow my eyebrows together. "Wha-" 

Three people emerge from the doorway and my heart stop. My sister is in front of the two other people, waving awkwardly.


Dun dun dunnnn! 

What do you think will happen?! 

Please comment! 


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