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Lily, my older sister who has also been helping me while giving me $200 for my rent each month, came running over and to hug me gently. She was as beautiful as ever, long brown hair with bright blue eyes and a dash of freckles sprinkled over her cheeks and nose.

I couldn't stop staring at my parents. My mom looked thin and pale, her short blond hair turning gray. Her blue eyes were dim. Dad's confident stature still held strong, though his eyes were tired and his brown hair graying as well. They kicked me out, treated me like dirt and didn't even acknowledge my existence and now they're here? I could feel all my anger building up inside me. "Why are you here?" I growl weakly, peeling back my lips to flash my teeth and gums. 

My mom looks down while my father sneers at me. "Is that anyway to greet your parents?" 

I snort. "You're not my parents anymore." 

Mom gasps and dad's hazel eyes sharpen. 

Lily takes a step back as my mom and dad step forward, if I even considered them that anymore. 

I feel myself relax as Stephan's hand slips into mine. My father's eyes track the movement and his face twists as if he's disgusted. Stephan notices and stares him down with challenging gray eyes as he brings my hand to his lips and kisses my knuckles over and over. "Do you have a problem?"

I try not to grin as my father narrows his eyes. "What makes you think that?"

"Well, considering you kicked my mate here out -" he gestures to me - "for being gay, I assume we do. I'm just letting you know now, watch your tongue.

My male parent figure growls deep in his throat. "Don't threaten me boy." Mom grasps his hand and whispers something into his ear but he shrugs her off. Dejected, she let's go. 

Stephan snorts. "Not threatening, just warning you." 

"You sound funny," my dad points out, "are you stupid or something?" 

I bristle. "How dare you-" 

"Why are you even here if you're just going to insult me?" Stephan snaps, standing up to his full height. He beats my dad by a full two inches and my father tries to puff out his chest. 

"I came here to see my son," he states, making his way over to my bed. My mate steps in front of him, a dangerous look coming over his face. 

"Why should I let you?" His voice is deep, deeper than normal, and his eyes glitter dangerously. 

It's common for male wolves to get protective over their mates and since I'm sick and wounded, Stephan's protective instincts were raging. 

But my dad wasn't going to back down. "Move," he growls, almost nose to nose with Stephan.  

"No." Stephan sounds just as deep, if not more so. 

I see my dad's arms flex and before he could make a move, Lily jumps in. "Cut it out," she barks, "Tony is under enough stress as it is." 

Stephan growls a final time before tearing himself away, coming to sit back down beside me. My father and mother pull up chairs to sit on the other side of my bed. Lily stands beside my head and I sigh as she soothingly runs her fingers over the beanie. Her scent surrounds me and I forgot how much I missed my sister. 

"I love you," she tells me, and I sit up and pull her into a hug. 

"I love you too, Lily pad." 

She laughs at the old nickname and I let go of her. 

"What happened?" My mom finally finds her voice. 

I glance at Stephan, who's still staring down my dad, before answering. "Another were attacked me."

Mom gasps and puts a hand over her heart, feigning shock. "How awful! Who would do such a thing?" 

I glance at Stephan but he's too wrapped up in the stare down with my dad to even notice. "Doesn't matter," I sighed. 

This was going to be a long day.

Comments are appreciated you buttholes 😂

Have a good day!



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