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"Son, could you come here for a minute?" 

Stephan stood up and followed his father outside, leaving me with Chloe and the Luna. Chloe was glaring at me but I chose to ignore her. Caroline cleared her throat. "May I ask something?" I nodded. "Why haven't you marked each other yet?" 

I sighed. "It's complicated." 

The Luna squinted her eyes. "Explain." 

I wet my lips. "I have health issues so it'll be hard for me to... perform." My cheeks burned. 

Caroline nodded. "I see. I'm sorry to hear that, Tony, but I'm sure there's a way around every obstacle, right?" I gave her a smile. "So what pack are you in?" 

It was an honest question. An honest but very awkward question. When wolves are kicked out of their pack, they are considered the lowest of the low. Rarely will other packs take them in. I licked my dry lips. "I was kicked out." The Luna's eyes widened and Chloe stifled a laugh. "Not for anything bad, I guess. My parents disowned me after I came out as gay." 

Before Caroline could say anything, Chloe piped up. "Serves you right. Why should my brother be dating a faggot?" 


"No, maman, listen- he's a boy! It's disgusting!" Chloe stood up and I sank into the couch as she marched over to me. 

"Chloe Anne asseyez-vous à noveau!" 

It was too late. Stephan's sister ripped off my beanie. I covered my head instinctively. "Ew!" She cried. "Stephan's mate is a freak! No maman, look! He's sick and bald! He probably has cancer or some shit and is gonna die here soon anyways!" 

Tears filled my eyes and I took off into Stephan's room, locking the door. 

I laid down on his bed, burying my face into his pillow and breathing in his scent. My tears soaked the pillow. She was right. I was going to die soon. Why should Stephan have me as a mate. 

Heartache gripped at my chest. I don't deserve him. It hurts. Oh God, it hurts so much. 

Someone knocked on the door. "Tony?" A soft female voice asked. "Forgive Chloe, she's young and doesn't understand. Her friends have narrow minds and have pushed their views onto my daughter. She will be punished appropriately." 

I didn't say anything. She's right she's right she's right- 

"Tony, please open the door." Caroline's voice was more urgent. Pain erupted from my stomach. She's right. You don't deserve Stephan you don't deserve him you freak you don't deserve him!

"Beau? Please open the door baby." Stephan. 

I forced back a sob as my stomach rippled in agony. Freak faggot you're gonna die here soon anyways you cancerous fuck- 

The door knob jiggled and then the door popped open. The sharpness in my stomach refused to let me move. "Baby, please talk to me." His voice was a lot closer. I turned my head just enough so I could look at him through blurry eyes. His face was worried and he sat in front of the edge of the bed. I hated that I made him worry so much. He deserved so much better. 

I cried out loud and my body curled into a ball. He deserves better. 

"Mi amour, I'm here for you." Warm fingers caressed my cheek. "Please don't listen to what my bitch of a sister said to you darling." 

I raised my head up to look him in the eye. "I'm a freak!" My hands covered my bald head and I grit my teeth through the pain. 

"Ange, you are not a freak. You are so much more than that." I scoffed at his words. 

Stephan sighed and I felt strong arms slink underneath me. He pulled me into his lap, stroking the length of my spine as I shivered in pain. "I'm so sorry Chloe said those things to you. Maman told me what all she said... How can I make it up to you beau?" 

I buried my face into his neck to breathe in calming scent. "It hurts," I moaned, tears dripping off my face onto his skin. 

"I know love," he said softly, "I know. I'm right here baby. Please don't be upset. I swear to you nothing she said was true darling." 

I gripped my stomach. "Please," I choked out. "Please make it stop!" 

I heard Stephan's breath hitch then shudder and I knew he was crying too. "Close your eyes beau." 

I did as I was told, confused. I felt him adjust then he kissed my ear. He must've sensed I was going to say something cause he whispered, "Keep your eyes closed beau. Take deep breaths." I bit my lip hard enough to draw blood to keep myself from sobbing as sharp, stabbing pains hit my stomach. "I love you so much." 

"L-love you too," I gasped out.

His soft lips kissed behind my ear, down to my jaw, then trailed down along my neck. I stilled, waiting to see what he was going to do. He kissed my neck more deeply and I tried not to cry out when my belly felt like it was being punched over and over, a crippling ache mixed with stabbing pains expanding over the entirety of my stomach. 

Wetness touched my neck then a stabbing, white hot pain. I shrieked, twisting and turning in Stephan's grasp. I tried to pull off whatever was causing that pain but I was met with Stephan's hair and my eyes flew open. He pulled away from me and I touched my neck, my hand coming away bloody. Before I could freak out more, Stephan began lapping at the wound. He marked me. 

A calm serenity came over my body, my muscles relaxing and my mind settling into a blissful haze. Stephan pulled away from my neck and I met his eyes. Everything seemed to fade away, except those gorgeous gray eyes. I seemed unattached to my body and my pain, and the last thing I could think of before I passed out was, This is the first time in months I haven't been in pain. I love him. 

Another chapter done! 

What did you think of Chloe? What about Stephan's parents? Comment below! 

Enjoy the rest of your day and there's more to come! ;) 


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