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It's in the wee hours of the morning when I wake up from a dead sleep. 

Normally I'm a heavy sleeper so for something to have woken me up, it must've been loud. Stephan is gone. "Shit," I curse, trying to rub the sleep from my eyes and throw on pants at the same time. 

Something clatters in the kitchen. I freeze, straining to listen. My werewolf ears pick up what sounds like soft footsteps and if I was a human, I wouldn't have been able to hear them. That's unnerving. Stephan would have no reason to be that quiet, even if I was still sleeping. Nor would he have been up at four in the morning besides getting ready for work, which he would've told me he was leaving so not to scare the shit out of me when I woke up, like so. 

My fears are confirmed when I see the white of a note on the nightstand beside the bed where my phone is plugged in. 

Good morning handsome,

Alpha called me in; there's a situation at the pack. A pregnant she-wolf hasn't returned home and it's been nearly twelve hours. I fear the worst. Stay inside and don't answer the door for anyone. There's food in the fridge, I'll be home in the early afternoon. Call me if you need anything. I love you.


Stephan <3

I am already dialing his number when I hear the stairs creak. Fuck, I think frantically, they must've heard me! 

Thinking quickly, I hang up before Stephan answers so whoever it was doesn't hear me or him. Then I turn off my sound. 

The stairs creak once more. 

I don't want to seem like the typical white-chick so I don't hide underneath the bed, but I don't want to be the white-dude either and hide behind the door with a baseball bat. Lucky for me Stephan keeps his gun in the  nightstand. 

Fuck. There's no gun. Of course not. 

He must've took it with him. 

I quickly send him a text. The creaks are in the hallway now. 


I slowly shut the door and lock it to buy myself some time, trying to keep the panic down. 

Shit shit shit siht- 

The knob jiggles. 

Cue me freaking out. 

The door shudders as the person on the outside tries to break in. Fuck me in the ass shit fuucckkk- 

The window's halfway open now. A loud Bang! makes me jump and my hands are shaking so bad I can barely pull up the screen- 

A bloody arm is through the door, peeling back the wood to unlock the doorknob. I cry and stumble out onto the roof, trembling violently. 

"Don't move!" A strange, growling voice commands me. Of course I do the opposite and jog, almost slipping, to the other side of the roof, looking for a way down. There's no way down. Jumping from here would break my leg(s). 

A huge, burly looking man is on the roof with me now. Thick eyebrows are furrowed and a sinister smile covers his face. "Hello, pretty." I'm frantic now. My options are running extremely low right now. 

Jumping it is. 

Before I jump, my phone starts vibrating in my pocket. It's Stephan. The scary as shit man is jogging up to me and he slips a little as I pull out my phone and answer it. 


"Stephan, there's-" I scream as I'm tackled off the roof. 


My vision fades in and out. Lights flash around my vision and loud sounds make me wince before I'm losing consciousness again.

I'm dreary when awake. It hurts to breathe - like there's this firey rod being shoved into my ribs over and over.

My head's thumping.

It feels like someone is drilling into my skull and there's a horrible pressure between my eyes. I go to touch my nose but my wrists are handcuffed. The metal is cold against my skin. 

I'm in what looks like a fucking cell. A prison cell. I try to keep myself calm, reminding myself Stephan knows I was kidnapped.

My ribs scream in agony when I take a deep breath.

It's fucking cold. I check and my clothes are still on, but my shoes are gone. I experimentally wiggle my toes. My big toe pokes through my sock. Dammit. There's a hole. 

I take my time to look at my surroundings. It looks like I'm in a basement. There's a window high up, only a few inches tall, with bars along it. The cold concrete wall is rough on my back and it's pissing me off. The handcuffs piss me off more; I know it's useless to struggle with the handcuffs on so I don't try to. 

There's a cot along the side of the tiny ass cell, and a bucket. I cringe, knowing I'd have to use that eventually. 

My ears pick up the sounds of other weres - most are whining - and I feel my stomach drop. How many other weres are there? 

I try to scent all the others but there's so many that it's impossible. Many pregnant she-wolves. There's a few males, but there's something off about their scents. None of them are in their human form. There's cries and groans on either sides of me and in front of me. I can see a cage across from mine and it looks like a young female is locked in that one, laying on her side. She's very thin - the bones of her ribs visible against her pelt - and she looks exhausted. The she-wolf's tongue lolls out of her mouth and she's panting. Her eyes roll shut but snap back open a second later. Despite looking exhausted, she jumps up and receeds to the very back of her cell, shaking and whimpering while all the while watching something down the hall.

I tense. Someone's walking. They stop in front of my cell. 

A man dressed in a smart suit, black hair sleeked back, appears. He smiles at me. "Good to see you're finally awake, Mr. Tony." 

I peel back my lips to reveal my teeth and growl threateningly. 

He clucks his tongue at me. "What a naughty boy." He pulls out a key and unlocks my cell. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." 

I scoot to the very back corner, growling lowly in warning at him. I'm scared. He's too confident, and it's scary. I can smell the power on him. He's high ranked, possibly an alpha himself, but my brain is too fogged to decipher it. It sends warning signals through my brain and if I was in my wolf form, I'd be bristling. Why is it another werewolf? Is he helping to kidnap weres? Is he working with humans? 

"Stay back!" 

He ignores me and stops in front of my cowering form. "Ah - it's okay pup. There's no need to be afraid." 

I watch him wearily as he crouches in front of me. "I'm Alpha James." He grabs my wrists. "You can call me whatever. Flattery might get you somewhere." James winks at me, then, to my surprise, unlocks my cuffs. "Next time pup,  listen to me." Alpha James stands and I swallow.

I watch as he pulls out a needle filled with a green substance from inside his tux pocket. Alarm bells are ringing in my head. I go to run but before I can move, he's in front of me. "Now you may feel a slight pinch." 

James stabs me in the neck. I gasp and struggle against him. He holds me still with one hand on my head. I see him smirk. He pulls away, pulling out a hacker chief to wipe the needle on. "You're going to feel lightheaded and achy," he says in a cool tone, "but you'll fall asleep before it gets too bad." Alpha James pats my cheek and I slump forward. "Sleep tight, pup." 


You know you love me! 

Any guesses on what's going to happen to Tony? Comment below! 

Love you! 

A new chapter should be updated at the latest next week. I'm hoping to get another one in this week. 


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