The New Titan of Time

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"Struggles off our shoulders, we don't do it victorious.
So I, don't wanna be another face in the crowd, so I can't slow it down, no.
They brought us off the stage, just another opinion.
I'm tired, of trying to fit in when I'm one in a million.
So I can't slow it down, no, so I can't slow it down, no."

Chapter One:

Percy had taken his girlfriend on some romantic walks before. This wasn't one of them.

They followed the River Phlegethon, stumbling over the glassy black terrain and jumping crevices. They had lost the vampire girls around a half hour ago, but He tried to keep his eyes out for them, which had become increasingly harder with every step he took.

Just as they were about to round a rock the size of cabin, Annabeth pulled him back by his arm.

"Whaaa..." Percy started before being shushed.

"Shut up Seaweed brain!" She hissed. "Right over the rock is a Titan.... I don't know which one, but his aura feels immensely strong."

Percy's face went pale as he hear this. It took the curse of Achilles and his full strength to face a Titan....there was no way he could do it now.

"Annabeth, I need you to stay behind this rock, and if things go side ways, imma need you to run, ok?" Percy Said, kissing her forehead. "Please don't argue with me Wise Girl."

Annabeth grudgingly nodded, before leaning up against the rock, resting her ankle which still hadn't healed since her trip in finding her mother's statue.

Smiling, Percy walked out from behind the cover of the rock, Riptide in hand. He was almost depressed at the state his sword was in. The once bright bronze glow, now looked dull, and there were chips in it. Even the edges looked dull.

No matter how much he had talked himself up, he was not ready for what was before his eyes. In front of them, sitting on the black sand before the river, was Kronos, the Titan of Time.

"Hades, this sucks.." Percy cursed, getting ready to fight for his life.

Hearing the noise, Kronos lazily turned his head towards Percy, before a smile lit up his face.

"Ah Perseus! Just the demigod I was hoping to see! I would hope you were down here for another reason, but it seems you too have been shamed by the Gods." Kronos said, his voice radiating enough power to make Percy feel like a mere mortal.

"Actually, I fell." Percy stated, garnering a laugh out of the Titan.

"Ah yes, that seems like quite a move you would do. I must say, I am quite impressed with how you've handled yourself after defeating me. First you managed to get to New Rome, then you became a Praetor, saving Rome from my brother. And now you and your friends are on your way to defeat my mother."

"Just gonna cut in here, are you looking to kill me? I'm way to tired to fight you, but just know, I will if I have to." Percy states, getting ready to defend.

"No no! I am on your side Perseus. You see, I have come to realize my mistakes, and I think I'm ready to pass on, to fade. In wanting to do so, I must find someone to pass my powers on to, otherwise they would run rampant until Chronos could stop them." Kronos stated. "After a little time of deciding, and a stroke of luck, I've decided to choose you, Perseus." The Titan King said smiling.

"You mean to give your powers to me? A mere demigod?" Percy asked, completely shocked to his bones.

"Of course, it's only right that you would receive them. You remind me of myself when I was younger. Loyal to no end, and always looking to do good." Kronos said.

"But didn't you eat your children? Until Zeus saves them with help from Rhea?" Percy asked dumbly.

The peaceful look on Kronos' face turned to one of disgust. "Do not bring up their names or that myth. I never ate my children. They were my favorite things in the universe. They brought me joy. But alas all good things must end. Zeus was power hungry, and wanted to rule, so he, with the help of his mother and siblings, overthrew me, before killing me and sending me down here." The Titan stated.

"Oh..." Was all Percy could muster.

"Anyway, since I've decided to give you my powers, I'm going to need your girly friend to come out from behind the rock. You will understand why after she does. I have things for the both of you."

I nodded wearily before beckoning Annabeth to come out.

Slowly she walked out from behind the rock, her knife in hand.

Kronos just chuckled at the sight.

"Do not worry demigods, I have to plans to hurt you."

I nodded to Annabeth and we both sheathed or weapons.

"Alright, I don't have much time left, so I have a couple things to give you. For the lovely lady, I bless you as an immortal. You will have something akin to the Hunters, where you are immortal but can still fall in battle. Percy, I am giving you my powers. You will no longer be a demigod if you accept. You will be part god, and part Titan. You will have control over time to the highest extent, and will be hence forth known as the Titan King. The other Titans will follow you with the upmost loyalty. Know this though, they are good peoples, even if they haven't shown it. You must remember they were overthrown by the children they loved as much as their own." Kronos said, as a golden glow started to seep out of his hands.

Motioning for Annabeth to go first, she accepted Kronos' blessing before I too, did the same.

"I, Perseus Jackson, accept Lord Kronos' blessing, and shall take on the mantle as the Lord of Time, and the Titan King." I said, before pain wracked my body, making me fall to my knees.

"Do not worry, it is just your blood Turing to Ichor. I am sorry that it pains you, but it is the only way." I could only nod, I tried to stand up from my knees.

"And for my last gift, I will transport you to the Doors of Death. Remember, the Titans will follow you to their dying breaths, but not all of the monsters will." Kronos said, as his body slowly started to fade away.

"Goodbye my grandchildren. You have truly made me proud." He said, a smile gracing his feature before all that was left was golden dust.

"Goodbye Grandfather." Percy said sadly. "Let's go Wise Girl. The rest of the seven are probably waiting for us on the other side."

"Hold up Percy. I know that you are loyal to no end, and you have a hard time with even lying, but I think we should keep your new powers a secret, alright? I don't think the Gods will take it well that you have the power of Time, especially since you are now the Titan King." She said, giving Percy a look that he couldn't quite understand.

"Sure thing, Wise Girl."

And with that, the faded Titan King's last request was granted, taking his two grandchildren to the Doors of Death, where he knew they would be able to gather the help of his brothers.

The Titan of Time (A Pertemis AU)Where stories live. Discover now