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Percy wished he could just run the fates through, creating a shush kabob out of the lot of them.

Originally, Percy believed that it would be one huge fight between the both of them, and that would be the end of it. But no, the war, which he had dubbed his own personal 'Cold War' had been dragging on for almost a year now.

It was a constant struggle to out do each other, trying to force their control over their opponent. Percy has been on the losing end for the first few months, but after receiving help from various Titans, he'd slowly started to push his boulder up the hill, only hoping it didn't role back down.

Time was fickle thing, and who knows how badly the two of them had messed it up. Just the other day, when Percy has been training his control over it, a misty screen had appeared, right there in the training room. At first, he had been a little annoyed, thinking that someone was trying to speak to him, but those thoughts were quickly shot down.

The screen had shown him various images of his past that he faintly remembered, and others that he still kept in his heart. It was like watching his whole life playback on replay. Watching it all brought about an abundance of feelings ranging from hope to rage to guilt.

Even after a year, Annabeth still weighed heavily on his mind. Every thought was run by a system per say, each one being asked if she would agree with it. He longed to see her, to stare into her eyes, to tug on her blonde princess curls, to hold her. And yet, at the same time, each and every one of those thoughts were over shadowed by a web of guilt and anger.

How could he act like this when his wife waited for him back home. Sure they were forcibly married, and she would never grow to fully like him, but it felt like he was betraying his very morals when he thought of Annabeth.

Percy sighed, annoyed with his own musings: sometimes he wished the thoughtful side of his brain would shut down, leaving only the fighter. The Titan knew he wasn't good at a lot of things, girls being included in those things, but fighting was something that Percy could feel deep in his bones.

The feeling of salted leather underneath his grip, the slight glow of his blade, the heavy, yet light weight sitting in his hand. He could easily say that fighting was his second favorite past time, the first being occupied by blue cookies.

He relished in the feeling of his blade cutting through monsters and enemies alike. Percy knew it was dangerous to let it consume him, to let his anger and rage take over, but it had started to become harder and harder as the Cold War brewed in the background. He was fighting for his life, and he had almost no outside help. Sure his fellow titans had trained him, which he wouldn't doubt saved his life, but he had no real allies. There was no one he could call on to save him in his time of need, no one who could take his place.

Now that death had closed its door to him, he feared it even more. It felt like he was back as child in bed at night, watching his closed closet door, just waiting for something to jump out and kill him. Percy has no doubt that death was coming for him, he just wished it wasn't during a time of such... craziness.

The Titan gripped the small object in his pocket, hoping it would save him from his Uncles realm.

"I see you've decided to show up, Perseus." A deep voice called out from the shadows. The voice was scratchy, as if it hadn't been used for a time, but it also held that unmistakable sense of blood lust that always seemed to radiate off Ares.

"Of course I showed up. You threatened my wife, not really leaving me a choice now are you?" Percy shot back.

"Ah yes, the moon goddess." The voice replied, his voice off as if he was reminiscing. Percy watched in anger as a bound figure was thrown into the light surrounding him. Instantly he recognized the person as Artemis, his wife. Her state of undress caught Percy off guard, before a deep sense of wrath settled into his nerves.

"I swear if you did something..."

"I thought about it. I can't deny that, but alas, she is still in tact. She wouldn't shut her trap, so I placed her in her greatest stage of uncomfortableness, but that was it. Now that I really think about it though, I think that after this little bout, I'll have a round with her. Maybe I'll keep you around just long enough to watch..." The voice said as the body of man appeared from the direction Artemis had been thrown from.

The man was unlike anything Percy had ever seen. His body seemed to be made of gears and ethereal golden glow, patches of golden skin making him whole. His face, originally a swirling pit, changed to that of a more humanoid figure, with his body following close behind.

Every word the man had said left Percy bristling with more and more rage and soon it got to a breaking point. Calling upon the rivers of time, Percy thrust his hand to the sky, before giving a small smile as the feeling off leather touched his fingertips. He quickly brought the weapon down revealing that of a Dory. The golden spear tip gave off its own glow, alighting the darkening forest they had called their meeting place.

Without a moment hesitation, Percy lunged. He wasn't an expert spear wielder, but he'd trained for quite some time. Just before the spear would have made contact with Chronos, Percy's front foot hit the ground, stopping his forward momentum, before shooting him up. The spearhead previously aimed at the Primordials stomach, shifted upwards with Percy's movement setting it on a new course for the juicy neck. He would end this now.

Or so he planned.

He could only watch in disappointment as the primordial shifted, allowing the spear to just barely grace his neck, drawing forth a spurt of silver. In his hastiness, Percy had forgotten who he was fighting. Standing before him was time incarnate, a primordial. This was someone who could honestly end Percy with a snap of his fingers. So why didn't he?

The thoughts were dashed as the Titan felt his weapon crumble to dust, only able to watch the primordial move in his state of shock. And move he did. In moments, Percy could feel himself flat on his back, multiple pikes of golden light sprouting from his limbs, nailing him to the floor.

"You was immortal, to think I would actually let you kill me? Well, I was about to, but that's in the past. I'd reform in a matter of seconds anyway. Perks of being time." The man said, as if talking to himself.

"What?" Percy croaked our, feeling a little light headed from pain.

"Oh! Right, you're still here, and like that, so disrespectful." Chronos chided before willing the pikes away, along with the gaping holes in Percy's body. "Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you for entertaining me! Life was getting boring for a bit there, but after I made that faux announcement to Zeus about killing you, things have been on the up and up!"

"What are you saying then? Are you telling me this was all for you're entertainment?" Percy said, anger wracking his body once more.

"Why of course, that's what you're all here for! Did you really think I would lower myself enough to actually fight you? Boy, if I wanted to kill you, you'd be a pile of dust. Time beckons to my call, and you are not above it."

"So this wasn't real? You don't want to kill me?" Percy questioned, his anger leaving him. He really did stand no chance, but he'd fight if he needed to. "And you have no intentions of touching Artemis?"

"The girl?" Chronos gave a small chuckle. "That's not even her! The real one is back in her palace asleep. I have a wife and she'd kill me if she knew I did something like that, and she knows EVERYTHING."

Percy let out a huge sigh of relief at this. He'd give anything to protect her. They may not love each other, and she may hate him for just being a boy, but she meant the world to him.

"Alas, I must be getting home. Wife's probably wondering where I am.... actually I must admit she probably knows where I'm at. Perks of being Fate I guess. See you around Perseus!"

"Oh gods... what the fuck just happened?"

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