Mother, Camp, and a New War

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Chapter Nine
Mother, Camp, and a New War

The Titan appeared on the sidewalk outside of a small apartment building. Just seeing the building brightened Percy's day, let alone the idea of seeing his mother. The last time he had even takes to her had been before Greece, before Tartarus.

In such a rush to see his mother, the Titan tried taking the steps three at a time, causing him to almost fall multiple times.

"Should of just taken the elevator." Percy grumbled, rubbing his bruising shin.

Finally, Percy made it to the door that he remembered as his mother's. Taking a quick breath, the Titan knocked on the door. For a moment, there was nothing, no noises, not even a hint of someone being there, but then the door opened. There, standing in all her glory, was Sally Blofis.

"Hey mom." Percy said casually, giving her his signature grin.

Almost instantly, the older woman surged forward, wrapping her son in a bear hug.

"My baby boy! You're home." Sally cried, trying to be as close to her son as possible. It had been almost a year since she had last seen him, and nobody had told her what was going on, so all she could do was sit and worry.

"Where have you been?" She asked, pulling away and holding him at arms length.

"Well.... there was another war. In hopes of giving us a better chance, Hera wiped my memories and sent me to a different camp over in California. I was there for a while, but then me and a few others, who we call the seven, were sent to Rome and then Greece. We had to fight Gaea and her kids, the Giants." Percy said, keeping the time in the pit to himself, no need to worry his mother further.

"I see... just so you know, I'm going to kill those gods with him much they take you away from me." Sally said as tears started to roll down her cheeks. "You may be their hero, but you are my son."

Percy decided to spend the rest of the day with his mother, eventually being joined by Paul who was called home by Sally. The three of them were able to finally act like a real family after everything that had happened, something that Percy enjoyed to no end.

The Titan also managed to tell his parents what had happened after the wars end, including the fact that he was married and an immortal, to which he added that he would do everything in his power to make the both of them immortal as well f they wanted it.

After promising to come see them again, Percy stepped out of the apartment, before flashing away, only to reappear outside of the barrier surrounding Camp Half-Blood. Thinking that it would let him through, Percy started to walk forward, only to run into the barrier like a brick wall.

"What the Hades?" Percy hissed, rubbing is aching nose. The Titan put his hand against the barrier only to pull it back as the barrier tried to burn him.

"You can't renter the camp, Percy." A familiar voice said.

The Titan looked in the direction of the voice, only to find his girlfriend standing there, a sad smile on her face.

"Can't you let me in? Like you've done with others before me?" Percy asked, confused to why she hadn't.

"It doesn't apply to immortals, and I doubt the barrier would allow me to let a Titan in. Besides, I think that it would be for the best... I think it would be for the best if you don't come here for awhile." His Wise girl said, seeming to choke on her own words.

"What... what do you mean Annabeth? This is my home..."

"The camp doesn't feel safe now that you've become a Titan. We've come to an agreement that you should stay away for a while, just until people get over the fact that you aren't on our side anymore."

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