Killing A Primordial

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Chapter Seven
Killing a Primordial

Percy quickly threw the necklace on, before tucking it inside his shirt, making sure to hide it from the gods.

Hoping to all hades, he reached into his pocket and was relieved to find riptide had come back to him.

Just milliseconds later, the Gods finished flashing in, each one wearing their armor, and wielding their godly weapons.

"Where are those disgusting giants!?" Zeus thundered, brandishing his spear in one hand, and his thunderbolt in another.

"Gah! You stupid, pathetic gods! I will kill you!" Screamed Porphyrion, who seemed quite agitated after dealing with Percy. "Brothers and sisters! Let us kill these pathetic gods once and for all!" Yelled the giant king, rallying his siblings.

"Demigods! Pair up with your parent, only with a god and demigod can a giant be defeated!" Yelled Zeus, rallying the rest rest of the seven.

They each seemed to give Percy a weird look, most likely from him going toe to toe with the giant king himself. And then there was the fact that Percy had Kronos' Scythe and had seemingly teleported across the battlefield.

Quickly finding his father, Percy made his was over to the Sea God. "Ah my boy! I'm so happy you're back. I was so worried when we received word of what happened to you and Annabeth. We must talk after the war is over!

Percy could only nod, dread coming over him as he realized he would have to lie to even more people.

Once everybody had paired up, they cautiously made their way towards their opposing giant.

Percy and Poseidon were up against Polybotes, Jason and Zeus against Porphyrion, Annabeth and Athena against Enceladus, Frank and Ares against Mimas, Hazel and Hades against Alcyoneus, and Piper and Aphrodite against Hippolytus.

"You stand no chance Giants! Why not just back down? It'll be a lot less painful." Percy yelled, more so for looks rather than in hope.

He knew he could easily take down every Giant here. They were over confident and relied to much on their height. At a certain point, height becomes a disadvantage. They may be taller than Percy, but he was noble enough to evade their strikes giving him a wide opening to hit back.

"Forget it, we have come here seeking blood, and blood we shall get! Mother will rise and once again rule this world!" Porphyrion bellowed back.

"Then you give us no choice. Greek's! Let us send these ugly-ass monsters back to the hell they managed to crawl their way out of." Percy roared, pointing his sword at the giant in front of him. "Kill them all."

While his words bothered the other demigods, they took them to heart. The fight lasted a little more than an hour, with each of the Olympian pairs easily finishing off their opposing giants. The demigods fought viciously and were rewarded with very little to no injuries.

"You stupid demigods. I only needed the blood of two of you to rise, and blood I have received." A dark voice said, seemingly coming from the ground beneath the groups feet.

Percy could only watch as a hill started to form in front of him, before a women burst forth from it, hovering just above the earth. She seemed to be made out of stone and dirt, while her hair resembled that of leaves.

"I will end you all, for hurting my children." She screamed, a sense of anger and distraught radiating from her.

And then Percy heard a scream to his right. One that froze him in place. It was his wise girl, his Annabeth. It took him less than a second to turn towards her and to jump into action, to make his way towards the earthly arm holding her off the ground by the neck. He crashed into it, using his Earth shaker powers to make the arm crumble to dust, releasing Annabeth.

In anger, the Primordial Of Earth send out waves of stone and plants, shoving the Olympians out of the way. It was Annabeth and Percy left in range to fight.

"Wise girl, you take the right, I'll take the left. Go." Percy whispered, drawing up his sword. Annabeth nodded before dashing off to the primordials right, while Percy sprinted towards her left, each leaving gashes on her arms and sides.

The two demigods did the best they could, but there was very little they could do against a Primordial.

"Annabeth, I'm going to use it! Go for her heart!" Percy yelled, before freezing Gaia in time. This action brought about a shocked face on the rest of the seven and the Olympians, none more so than Zeus.

How did this mere demigod have the powers of his father?

With the Primordial stuck, Annabeth was able to stick her dagger in Gaia's heart, before backing away. In hopes of ending it quickly before anymore damage could be done, Percy summoned Kronos' scythe, slicing the goddess in half.

Breathing a deep sigh of relief, Percy dropped the scythe, before falling to his knees. It took him a moment to fully regain his senses after such a hard fought battle. When his hearing did come back, he was not greeted with sound of cheers and joy, but by arguing.

"You will not lock my son away! He is loyal to Olympus, Zeus! If you do this, you will have another war on your hands! I swear it!" His fathers voice shouted. At this, Percy paled considerably.

"Area, detain the demigod. Hermès, send the others back to camp so they can deal with the Roman-Grecian battle at Camp Half-Blood."

Percy felt the tip of a spear press into the small of his back, sending a numbing feeing across his body. "Arms begins your back, traitor."

What do you guys think of the new cover? Also! Pease comment! All criticism is good criticism! Point out mistakes and I'll fix them right up! Hope you guys are enjoying the story!

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