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Chapter Ten

The Olympian council could only sit in stunned silence as their hero sulked at the bottom of his wife's throne, his aura heavy with rage.

"I'm assuming I have to go to the oracle for a prophecy, or can Apollo do it because I'd much rather not interact with camp right now." Percy finally said, his eyes flickering between Apollo and Zeus, waiting for an answer.

The father and son seemed to have a mental conversation before the god of the sun let out a groan.

"Fine, I will tell you the prophecy, but! If Chaos comes to reap my soul, I am taking you with me." Apollo said, garnering a small grin from the Titan.

"He'll have to go through me first, Apollo." Percy said, his smile changing to one of his signature grins.

"Well hurry up already before I change my mind."

"How do I defeat Chronos, the Primordial of Time?" As Percy asked, the god of prophecies went rigid.

"The world is in peril with a missing domain

Mistreated by two lords, each other's bane

A war where power over time will be weighed

And in the end a grave sacrifice will be made"

The occupants of the throne room let the words flow through their ears, mulling over each and every piece. Apollo's form collapsed back into his chair, exhausted from the use of his domain.

"Perseus, I do believe you shouldn't take the prophecy, they don't..." Athena started before getting cut off.

"I know Athena, I've been in multiple prophecies, I know what I'm doing." Percy snarled, anger and annoyance clear in his voice.

"Calm down, Percy, she meant nothin by it." Artemis said lightly, causing a wave of calmness to wash over the Titan.

"Is there any immortals who hold a domain that are missing?" Athena asked, ignoring the two immortals.

"I haven't heard of anything, but I'll keep an eye out." Heroes replied before going back to his phone.

"The second line is easy, Time is being mistreated by both Percy and Chronos, and they are each other's bane." Poseidon said, a worried expression is face.

"The third line is also unusually obvious. We already know about a war between the two of them, but it's the last line that worries me. What will be the grave sacrifice?" Athena said, a far off look in her eyes.

"There will be no sacrifice from any of you. If the prophecy calls for it, than it will be me alone." Percy said, daring anyone to oppose him.

"You would leave your wife? My daughter, Just like that?" Zeus asked, a murderous look on his face.

"For her safety, of course I would. I fell into Tartarus for Annabeth, and even though we haven't been together long, I would gladly die to save Artemis." Percy said, defiance resonating through this posture.

"I see." Zeus said before continuing, "I believe that you should start your training with your new domain as soon as possible."

"That would be ideal, but I need you to finish that request I asked of you."

"Which one would that be? We've done all you've asked."

"I need you to realize the Titans. They were the closest people to Kronos, and would be the most knowledgeable in his powers. I think it'll do be good to train with them."

"You want us to release the Titans? I thought you were surely joking!" Zeus thundered, clearly angry.

"Well I wasn't, and you made an oath, so you better keep to it." Percy said. "Actually, I don't care if you do or not. If you don't, then Lady Styx will take your soul, and I'll be free to realize them myself. It's up to you Drama Queen."

"You worthless sea spawn! Do not worry, I will release those damned Titans, but expect no help from Olympus or our children in this war. You will have to face him alone!" Hearing this, Poseidon stood up out of his throne and leveled his trident at the god of the skies.

"If you do this, brother, than I don't care what it shall cost me, I will take your title! You have shown that you are no longer fit to rule. You let pride and fear guide your actions! We are the Olympian Gods of Olympus, and with the help of our children, no one has the strength to oppose us!" Poseidon said, gaining multiple shouts of approval from the other Olympians.

"You can try, Poseidon. Do not make this into another civil war." Athena hissed, clearly aiding with her father.

"Would you just shut the Hades up! I can take on Chronos alone, it doesn't bother me, and will in fact make this war easier. I won't have to worry about keeping people safe and can focus on myself." Perseus said, glaring at the arguing gods.

"I can't just leave you out to die, Percy. And neither can your father. Do not try and take him on alone, it will be the death of you." Artemis whispered, resting her hand on the side of her husband face.

"I'll be fine. I've survived multiple prophecies before, I'll do it again." Perseus whispered back, pulling the goddess into a tight hug. "I'll be back soon enough, but I must start training for this war. I have only the faintest idea of how to use these powers, but I need the Titan Council's help in furthering my domain."

"I will make sure he releases them. When you get back, and this war is over, we are going to have a few words." Artemis said, a teasing smile on her face. Percy nodded, a satisfied smile on his own face, before disappearing in a golden flash.

So what did you guys think of the prophecy? As much as I like and want to claim that I made it, that right goes to KairosTheDestroyer . Thank you so much for this prophecy because I suck at rhyming and any form of poetry.

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