The Newly Weds

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Chapter Two
The Newly Weds

When it's four in the mornin
When it comes without warnin
The silence drags you down under the tide

When your whole world is jaded
When your colors are faded
And nothing but your shadows on your side

I believe in you, I believe in you

If you ever need somebody
Even when all your hope runs out
If you ever need somebody
I believe in you...

Chapter Two:

"I hear he declare Perseus Jackson, and Phoebe Artemis, husband and wife, you may now kiss the..." Hera was cut off as Artemis flashed out.

I turned Zeus, and his supporters in the crowd, glaring at them with all I could muster. "This is your fault, oh powerful king of the Olympians." I stated before flashing out to where I had hoped Artemis would be.

Appearing in our palace, I was just about to call out to her, when I heard the door to the bedroom lock.

"Gah, these stupid Gods." I said, my anger rising. "Can't even treat their own right."

I made my way towards the door, before knocking. "Hey Artemis, you alright?" I was met with muffled sobs, which twisted my heart more than I believed possible.

"Alright, I'm coming in, please don't castrate me." I said before flashing on the other side of the door.

I was met with a pillow to the face, and the sight of the strongest Goddess I knew, curled up in a ball, surrounded by blankets. She was openly sobbing and pained me to know I was the reason.

I quickly moved towards the bed, before taking a seat next to her. "Look, don't fight me on this, I've caused enough pain for you today, let me try and fix it ok?" I said, pulling her into my lap, and enveloping her in my arms.

Just this action alone caused my loyalty to flair. I was dating Annabeth, and married to Artemis at the same time. My loyalty to the both of them was fighting, and it felt like my mind was splitting.

Luckily, she didn't fight me. Deciding to go against my better judgement and risk to risk the pain, I started to sing to her while I stroked her hair.

"When it's four in the mornin
When it comes without warnin
The silence drags you down under the tide

When your whole world is jaded
When your colors are faded
And nothing but your shadows on your side

I believe in you, I believe in you

If you ever need somebody
Even when all your hope runs out
If you ever need somebody
I believe in you..."

I sang, trying to my damnedest to help her.

"When your thoughts fly like arrows
When the weight feels like zero
When the rock you used to lean on starts to slide

You feel suffocated
So once celebrated
And the person you once were you cannot find

I believe in you."

By the time I was down, I was in tears of my own. Here I was, married to a man-hating goddess, while the love my life was broken down in her cabin. I'm not even a Demigod anymore, I'm the king of the Titans. And because of it, no one that i used to know trusts me. They don't see me. They see what Kronos caused in the war. They see the monsters and Titans and Death.

I needed someone on my side, and there was no one I could look to. My own rock had slid, and the person that I was, I could no longer find. I was no longer the Hero of Olympus, son of Poseidon.

I was the Lord of Time, King of the Titans. And I think I was surely broken.

I looked down to see the sleeping face of Artemis. Her face was tear stained, and yet she looked so beautiful. It hurt like a stab to the heart, but I couldn't deny it.

"I'm sorry that this was forced upon you Artemis. I will do everything I can to make you happy, even if it means to disappear. I will stick to Mt. Othyrus. You won't even have to look at me." I said, moving her onto the bed, and making to leave.

I was barely a foot from the bed when I felt a hand grab my own. It was so small and delicate.

"Please...stay..." I heard her say.

I plastered a smile on my face, before turning to her and nodding. Crawling into bed next to her I decided to lay there and let her do her thing.

Soon enough, she was laying against me with her head on my chest.

"Perseus, I don't have anyone but you anymore. My father disbanded my hunters, Apollo think me a whore, and the rest of the Gods could care less." She said.

"Like I said Artemis, if you ever need somebody, I will be here. And if you don't want me here, you won't ever see me." I said, trying not to cry.

Wherever she touched me, burned like the Styx. I was betraying Annabeth, and it felt like I was being set aflame.

"Thank you.... and goodnight Perseus." Artemis said. In less than a minute, I felt her breathing even out.

I tried to stay for as long as possible, but the pain got to be so much, forcing me to almost crawl out from underneath her and to the bathroom.

Setting the water to cold, I managed my way into the bathtub, deciding to sleep in there for the night.

In the morning, I work to someone pounding on the bathroom door.

"Perseus, are you alright?" Her voice called.

"Yeah, I'm fine Artemis." I said back, the water soothing what was once on fire.

"Oh... I just noticed you were gone this morning...." she said, her voice catching at the end.

"You can come in Artemis, I'm clothed." I said, getting ready to get out of the tub.

The door opened to reveal Artemis in sweats. Her posture quickly changed when she saw me in the bathtub. "Why are you taking a fully clothed bath, Perseus?" She said laughing.

"Well I got a little hot last night, and figured a bath would help, but I was to lazy to undress."

"Well hurry up and get out, I need to talk to you. And as funny as this is, it's something serious." She said, garnering my full attention.

"Yeah sure, give me a second." I said, before getting out of the tub. Snapping my finger, I was dried, changed, and all signs of my weird sleeping arrangement was gone.

Walking out of the bathroom, I found Artemis on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket.

At first I thought I sit a good distance away from her, but a small glare and a second later, I was sitting right next to her.

Slowly, as if debating on whether to do it or not, she moved even closer before laying against me, the blanket and clothes being the only thing separating us.

"I've lost everything Percy, my support shave all slipped away, and right now, you're the only person in my life that I trust." Artemis said.

"I know you were forced into this just as much as I was and so I was thinking I could be nicer to you." She said, her voice starting to catch.

"I'm lost Perseus. I've had my hunters for as long as I can remember, and now they're unreachable. I feel like all my support is gone, and all that's left is you. I've seen how the rest of the Greeks treat you. They don't trust you. They don't see the old you. But I want you to know that I do. I was thinking that we could support each other..." she finished, looking at me with hope in her eyes.

"Of course Artemis, I will be here for you whenever you need me." I said with a smile.

"And I will be here for you Perseus." She said as she leaned into my side, her head resting on my chest.

"But please, my only request is that you call me Percy. Perseus is too formal." I said, pouting.

She laughed at that. "Of course Percy."

The rest of the day was spent laying on the couch, watching movies and eating foods that weren't the healthiest.

The Titan of Time (A Pertemis AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें