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It didn't take much searching to find the palace dedicated to the god of travelers, nor did it take long to find said god.

Percy gave the palace door a light knock and waited a moment, before deciding he had waited too long and just kicked the door down. The temple was quite large, most likely to compensate for something else, but it was easy find the god in question, after all you only had to follow the sounds of him moaning and groaning.

The sight Percy stumbles onto was one he, nor his wife, would have approved of, especially his wife. There stood Hermès, rutting into a goddess who seemed no more conscious than if she was asleep, something that drew even more anger out of him.

Percy took two steps into the room before summoning riptide, bringing the blade down into a non-fatal arc, castrating the god of messengers. The Olympian instantly collapsed backwards, holding his non-existent groin as he let lose a mixture of sounds due to pain.

"I'm assuming this is something you do a lot? I'd talk to you're father, but gods do we know he is worthless." Percy seethed, prodding The fallen god with the tip of his sword. The only response was a loud groan as Golden ichor continued to leak from the Olympians groin.

The Titan took one look at the barely conscious girl before averting his gaze, deciding that he would deal with her after his, 'talk' with Hermès.

"What the Hades Percy! What the fuck did I do to you?" Hermès gasped, struggling through the pain. "My father will have your head for this."

"Your father won't do shit. This is a matter of the Titan Council, and he knows better than to intervene. If he so chooses to try and save you, then nothing will stop me from tearing down your petty hierarchy." Percy threatened, glaring at the roof as thunder echoed across the sky.

"Now, onto the real reason I'm here. Did you really think I'd let you get away with your visits to Calypso?" The Titan questioned, digging his sword into the god's arm.

"What are you talking about? All I ever did was bring her news of the outside world! She was the one who pleaded me to bring her something from outside her prison, so I did. How is that wrong?"

"And you just so conveniently forgot about your 'requested payment'?" The celestial sword pierced the inner portion of the gods arm, nailing him to the floor while drawing gasps and cries of pain.

"What the fuck are you talking about Perseus! The sex? She wanted that! Every time I was there she would beg me to stay! How am I in the wrong for obliging her?"

"Liar!" Percy screamed, removing his sword before making a swift cut across the god's neck, drawing forth a spurt of golden ichor. It took a few moments, but Percy eventually realized what he'd done. Life was about to get a whole lot more difficult as soon as Zeus found out. There's no way he'd sit idly by after his son was killed, especially for something so petty in his eyes.

Percy quickly wrapped the unconscious girl in the beds comforter before flashing to his wife's palace.

"Artemis!" The Titan called as set the poor goddess on the couch. It didn't take very long for an irritated Olympian to appear before him, bow in hand.

"What's so important that you had to call me away from the middle of a hunt? I may like you now, but this was important." Artemis said, trying to keep a glare up. In truth, she hadn't been able to stop thinking of him and had tried to hunt various times to take her mind off the Titan.

"Sorry, but this is super important." Percy said, gesturing to the goddess on the couch behind him.

"What did you do?"

"So I really need to answer that? You should know me better, and I didn't do anything.  I was on my way to have a talk with Hermès and found him having some 'fun' with her."

"I'm going to kill him one of these days. I don't understand how they can just run around doing this stuff, it's disgusting."

"You're gonna have to wait a few years, or however long it takes for a god to reform." Artemis shot him a surprised look. "Don't look at me like that, I had previous reservations before this." Percy said, rolling his eyes.

"Father won't let that stand."

"You say it like e has the power to do anything but let it stand. I hate having all this power, but even I can tell I'm on a totally different level compared to you Olympians, especially once this, thing, between me and Chronos is over. Zeus should be grateful I haven't removed him from his throne." Percy hissed, once again glaring at the ceiling as thunder boomed overhead.

"Don't say that kind of stuff, Percy. Titan or not, that talk is treason, and Father doesn't ply nice with traitors." Artemis said, laying a hand on his shoulder. Percy wanted to retort, to show her that Zeus didn't scare him, but the pleading look in her eye kept his mouth shut.

"Look, I've got to get back to Othrys, so can you deal with her please?" Percy asked, pointing toward the awakening goddess.

"Of course, but remember, when this war is over, we need to talk."

The Titan of Time (A Pertemis AU)Where stories live. Discover now