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So yeah, not an update as you can probably assume. I've been tagged and so here is the answers to those annoying questions.

Questions first I guess:

What is your Gender?

What is your Sexuality?

What is your Crushes Name?

Favorite Video Game?

Hogwarts House?

Dream Job?

And finally, five facts about myself?

And here are my answers to said questions:


Straight as a line

Hmm, this one's got me stumped, Not really a social butterfly, nor do I really have the time. If I had to pick someone though, it would probably be Allie. We go way back and I had a huge crush on her in the beginning of our friendship.

My favorite game would have to be Arma 3 which is a military game based on the idea of simulating war. I think it does a pretty good job, but I was never enlisted or deployed so I can't give 100%

My Godly Parent would have to be either Eris, the goddess of Discord, or Ares. I'm not super strong, but I can be extremely rash, hence causing a ton of discord.

Hogwarts House...... not gonna get an answer from me on that one. I've read absolutely Zero about HP. If I had to choose one, it'd have to be Slytherin because I am of course a snake. Take that as you will.

Hmm, dream job? If I couldn't be a writer, then it would definitely be the Military.

Great so five facts about me? I like the outlying characters in books or even the evil ones. They interest me more. I'm currently dual enrolled, which means I attend college and High school, while also having two part time jobs. See how I don't always have the time to update? That's only two.... I take medication for Anxiety, I'm currently in the process of moving from Oregon to Oklahoma which is funny because most people hate OK. And for my last one? Hmmm I'll give you one of deeper secrets. I will cut myself off from everyone I know for weeks at a time, whether this is intentional or not have been yet to be analyzed.

And for a bonus fact because you guys probably deserve it after my mysterious MIA, I really dislike people who try to hard. No point in trying to be someone you aren't. If you can't accept that, oof, life's gonna be a bitch in the future.

For who I tag, I could only come up with three, because I only picked people In my list because they had a book published.


And maybe to just see how long this can go back and forth between us,


You pick 7 new questions this time, I'll pick them next time.

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