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Chapter Eight

"Perseus Jackson, I will ask you this once and only once. I expect the truth from you, and depending on what Apollo says, you may find yourself back in that pit, or everything will go back to normal." The king of the gods said.

"So be it. While Annabeth and I were in Tartarus, we came across Kronos. The talk we had was quite...enlightening." Percy snarled. "He told us of how the myth was created that he had eaten his children and explained how it caused him grief to no end. How the second Titan war was his failed chance at revenge against his children who betrayed him.

"It was a very short conversation. He praised me on defeating him and his siblings, both Titan and Giant, before telling me that he wanted to fade. Not wanting his powers to run rampant, he claimed me as his heir and transferred them down to me, before he vanished, presumably faded.

"I am no longer a demigod, and now instead a full blooded Titan. But there's no worry to you guys, because it seems you've forgotten that I sweared upon the Styx to defend Olympus, not raze it. And there is also the point that my fatal flaw is loyalty. Not that it matters to you guys anyway." Percy finished, his jaw set in defiance.

"You're story is definitely interesting, Apollo, is he lying?" Zeus asked, gesturing to Percy.

"From what I can tell, he's not. And he is right father, you forced him to swear loyalty to us after the lightning bolt fiasco." The god of Truth answered.

"I remember, but it never hurts to be cautious. Perseus, in hopes of keeping you loyal to Olympus, you will hence forth become the husband of my daughter, Artemis." The king said, drawing gasps from many of the council members.

"Hera, see to it that they get married under Olympian terms. From here on, Artemis you are forbidden from your hunters. And Perseus, break off the relationship between you and the daughter of Athena. I will not stand for my daughter to be cheated on." Zeus said, drawing two different cries of pain and resulting in one angry Titan.

"You can't just marry me off to your daughter, Zeus." Percy spat. "As much as I respect your daughter, I don't love her. I live Annabeth."

"That does not concern me. Not get out of my throne room before I make you." The god threatened.

"Like you could. You seem to forget that I'm a Titan now. It took five of you to defeat my grandfather, you don't have that backing this time, Zeus." The Titan scoffed.

"Enough. Let us move on to the reward ceremony, and after that, the wedding." Zeus stated before sending Hermès to collect the campers.

"Since the seven are already here, we will just start with you first. You will all be offered godhood, so do not worry about leaving someone." Zeus said, giving a pointed stare at the newly made Titan.

"Jason Grace, I hereby offer you minor godhood for your efforts in the Giant war. You will become the minor god of Lightning and Air. Do you accept this generous offer?"

The demigod gave one glance towards his girlfriend before readily accepting.

"Piper McLean, I hereby offer you minor godhood for your efforts in the Giant war. You will become the minor god of beauty and charmspeak. Do you accept this generous offer?"

Knowing that her boyfriend had already accepted, the daughter of Aphrodite did as well.

"Leo Valdez, I hereby offer you minor godhood for your efforts in the Giant war. You will become the minor god of Fire and Craft. Do you accept this generous offer?"

"I do, Lord Zeus."

"Frank Zhang, I hereby offer you minor godhood for your efforts in the Giant war. You will become the minor god of Shapeshifting and War. Do you accept this generous offer."

The son of Mars looked to his girlfriend, who gave him a small smile in return, before accepting.

"Hazel Leveque, I hereby offer you minor godhood for your efforts in the Giant war. You will become the minor god of Riches and the Mist. Do you accept this generous offer?

The Roman demigod accepted, letting lose a sigh to be finally away from the eyes of Thanatos.

"Annabeth Chase, I hereby offer you minor godhood for your efforts in the Giant war. You will become the minor god of Wisdom and Strategy. You will also become the permit Architect of Olympus. Do you accept this generous offer."

The blonde thought it over. Her hubris was screaming at her to accept, anything to sate her lust for pride. But at the same time, her heart was fighting it. What was the point without her Seaweed Brain.

"Wise Girl, just accept it, I'll figure something out alright?" Percy said, giving her his signature grin.

"I accept, Lord Zeus."

"Perseus Jackson, since you are already a Titan, we cannot offer you godhood, but will instead offer you three wishes." Zeus said.

"Oh? Three this time. How gracious of you." Percy replied, his voice dropping with sarcasm. "Look at you now, King of the gods turned genie. For my first wish, I want Hestia and Hades to be reinstated as Olympians. For my second wish, I want you to finally release ALL of the Titans. I will deal with them myself. And for my last wish, I want you to actually interact with your children. You have no idea of their struggles, and how much some of them need a parent figure. Chiron can only do so much. Oh! And if you choose not to follow my wishes, you can forget me being loyal to Olympus."

The threat sat in the air, hovering over Zeus' head. He knew the gods would need Perseus help of another war came about, but releasing every single Titan? That was too much to ask.

"Brother, you will enforce his wishes, because if you do not, then I will do it myself, and this council will strip you of your titles and domains. You will be no more than minor god, one with a long list of enemies." Poseidon threatened, giving his son a huge grin.

"Fine. I will do ask you ask Perseus, now get out of my throne room." The king of the gods seethed.

And now the story hooks up back with the beginning. Now it shall actually continue. Sorry for the wait. Lost inspiration for a long while there. I'm back now. Enjoy.

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