The Giant King

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Chapter Six
The Giant King

(I know I'm skipping over some parts of the quest, I have the book in front of me, but those parts have no place in my book in how I want it, so forgive me)

No matter how much Percy loved water, he could now say that he hated sewers. From the port to the Acropolis, he didn't see anything of Athens except dark, putrid tunnels. Sadly it was the only way for the group to make their way through the city without alerting the Giants.

The sewers smelled of rotting fish, mold, and snakeskin. Annabeth has said the snake skin was from the people who had originally helped found Athens. I personally believe it's alligators.

"I don't like this place," Annabeth murmured. "Reminds me of when I was underneath Rome."

"Wouldn't this place be older? Since the Greeks came before the Romans." Jason asked.

"Doesn't make me feel any better." Annabeth answered. Trying to make her feel even a tad better, Percy slipped his hand into hers.

"Hey guys... what's that hissing noise?" Leo asked, fear lacing his voice.

"That would be ussss, stupid demigodsss." Said what looked to be a merman, but instead of fins, he had a snake for his lower body. "I am Kekrops of the Gemini people, and we are here to take you to Gaea."

"Yeah, I don't think so, you weird snake freak." Percy seethed. Get out of my way before I send you to the pit."

Annabeth just barely held back her grimace. Percy had become much more violent since Tartarus. Not so much Physically, but verbally. Especially to monsters.

"You will take us to Gaea, but will not inform her about our presence." Piper said, trying to charmspeak the snake man.

"Trickssss like that don't work on usssss, Daughter of Aphrodite. Capture them." Kekrops said, before turning his back, and signaling to his soldiers.

That would be his last mistake. Within the span of seconds, Percy had riptide out, and jammed between the shoulder blades of Said snake man.

"Stupid snakes." Percy said, before making quick work of the handful of soldiers. It would have been loads more difficult if he hadn't fought in the arena back in the labyrinth. The snake men carried a trident and a weighted net, a favorite of gladiators.

A few would try to distract him with their tridents while the others tried to ensnare him in their nets.

"Why don't you stupid monsters ever practice anything different! I could kill you all in my sleep!" Percy yelled, lashing out at whatever was closest, which happened to be an unlucky Gemini.

Swinging his sword horizontally, the blade ripped through one monsters neck, before he brought it up, and cleaved through another's chest.

At seeing this, the rest of the seven quickly jumped into action, dispatching the small group of monsters.

After the last monster was turned to golden dust, Percy quickly capped riptide, before walking off down the tunnel.

He only managed to make it a few feet before a rumbling started to happen. Seemingly out of nowhere, the roof of the tunnel in front of him collapsed, showering him in the bright bask of the sun.

"Percy, I think that was Gaea! She must be almost arisen!" Annabeth said, trying to keep a cool head.

"It would seem so. Well let's go kill dirt face, and get back to camp. I have a self-proclaimed emperor to deal with." Percy said, before giving Annabeth a kiss on her forehead.

Deciding against his better judgement to be at least somewhat sneaky, Percy clambered through the newly made sunroof, only to find himself in the Acropolis.

"Seems we were closer than we through. Guys! you may want to get up here!" Percy called back down the tunnel, alerting not only his friends, but Giants scattered about the place.

It didn't matter much to Percy, he knew he could take them all on by himself. He was no longer restricted by the god/demigod duo needed to kill a giant. He was a Titan. Screw ancient laws.

"Annabeth, Iris message the gods and tell them to hurry the hades here, we'll need their help." Percy said, handing his girlfriend a drachma.

Turning back to the Giants, he decided he was gonna have a little fun before the gods showed up. Using his powers over time, Percy stopped everything before making his way over to Porphyrion, King of the Giants.

When he was within what could be considered a dangerously close distance, Percy let time flow again.

The giant in front of him had to do a double take, most likely wondering how the demigod in front of him had teleported.

"Ah, so I finally get to kill you again. How was it, reforming after your tragic accident in Alaska?" Percy taunted.

"I will not hesitate to kill you demigod. I am King." The giant rumbled.

"So there lies the problem. You see, I happen to be King too! Seems like we are on even ground." Percy said with a chuckle.

"You are but a mere demigod, a spawn of those stupid gods. You stand nowhere close to me!" Prophyrion bellowed.

"Why don't we test that. I can always just say you didn't show up. You do take after Zeus, all pride and no brains, or brawn for that matter." Said Percy, uncapping riptide.

"I will kill you!" Prophyrion yelled, bringing his spear out.

Defeating a spear wielded was quite easy for Percy. He had trained enough against Clarisse, and her electrified spear, so a bigger one would be no problem. Just get inside their guard and stay there.

Lunging froward, Percy stabbed riptide deep into the Giant King's knee. The giant only bellowed in pain before back handing Percy across the acropolis.

Landing in a heap of concrete, Percy felt lucky he hadn't broken anything. He was sure enough going to be black and blue though by the end of this.

Using his control of time, he once again charged the giant, drastically slowing his opponent while making himself faster. After getting close enough, he decided to do something that could end really well, or really really bad. Using riptide as a springboard, he launched himself in the air before summoning Kronos's scythe.

The giants eyes widened at seeing the weapon. He had never fought against the weirder, but everyone knew the power behind the weapon.

Twirling, Percy brought the scythe around into the giants face, stealing parts of his soul in the process. With his momentum lost, the Titan kicked off the giants face, sending him back away from the screaming king.

"That's no way for a king to behave. You should know better! Didn't your mother ever teach you the rules that go with being royalty?" Percy taunted.

He was just about to charge forward once again when he was stopped. Right before his eyes, 12 golden lights flashed, signaling the arrival of an immortal.

"I should probably hide this..." Percy said, trying to unsummon the scythe. Instead of it disappearing like it had appeared, it changed form until in his hand was a golden necklace made out of clock gears, with a little golden scythe hanging off the end. "Not really one for jewelry... but I guess it works." Percy grumbled.

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