Chapter 70

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A/N: This book is quickly coming to an end. I'm gonna miss it when its done.

Its been about thirty minutes since both Brad and Brendon got here. Well, since I let them in the house, if you want to be technical. Throughout the movie, I caught Brendon bad mouthing Brad from the corner of my eye. Normally, I would just ignore it, but after the third time, I decided to do something about it. "Brendon?", He turned his attention on me, "Can I speak with you? Alone." Brendon smirked, biting his lip as he looked at Brad. For the love of God, can he just stop with thinking sexually? "Sure, honey. Braddy boo, don't mess anything up while we're gone." Brad stuck up the middle finger, causing Brendon to laugh. I quickly grabbed Brendon's wrist, then walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind us. "What the hell are you doing?" Brendon shrugged, checking out his fingernails to see if they're dirty. "I was just having some fun, Chloe. Speaking of which, why can't we have fun?" I pinched my nose, closing my eyes as I began to grow frustrated with Brendon. "Maybe because I'm younger than you and maybe because I don't like you in that way. I have no idea why you still try to get with me, Brendon." He chuckled, caressing the side of my face with his hand. "I'm in love with you, Chloe. More like infatuated at this point. There's absolutely nothing stopping my from trying to get with you." I sighed, opening the door as I stepped out of the bathroom. "Come on, Brendon. We have to get back to Brad." Just as I was about to walk away, Brendon pulled me back by my wrist. "What're yo-" Before I knew it, his lips were on mine. Let me just say that I'd be lying if I told you that I didn't enjoy it.

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