Chapter 82

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I heard my dad knock on my door frame twice, then turned to look at him. "Sorry to bother you, hun, but have you talked to Mrs. Johnson lately?" I slowly nodded, not knowing if I was going to get in trouble or not. "Uh, yeah. Why?" My dad opened his mouth to say something, but closed it as if he had nothing to say. "Dad?" He cleared his throat, then looked me in the eyes again. "Mrs. Johnson went missing yesterday night, Chloe. The police found her this morning on the side of the river. I wanted to ask you if you talked to her, so I could find out if she told about what she was going to do last night." I shook my head, then bit my lip, thinking about what I had told Brendon. "Is she ok?" My dad shrugged, sighing as he scratched the back of his neck. "She was alive when they found her, but apparently she was in critical condition. I would hope that she's ok. If you want, we can go visit her." I softly smiled. "Please."

The ride to the hospital went fast. Too fast for my liking. My mind went back and forth in the car, asking itself if I could bring myself to do this or not. I decided that I would go in for the hell of it. I mean, I was worried about Mrs. Johnson. My dad thought that it would be best if only I go in to see her, since he didn't really know her well. After asking the receptionist where Mrs. Johnson was, I made my way towards her room, slowly thinking about what I was going to say. Well, let's just say I didn't get a chance to say anything, since about four doctors ran down the hall, running into Mrs. Johnson's room, where I heard a loud scream. I quickly ran towards her room, seeing that she was thrashing around in her bed, kicking the doctors away from them. "He's coming! He's coming! Someone's got to warn her!" I watched as one of the doctors grabbed a sedative, quickly bringing it over to Mrs. Johnson, pushing it into her neck. Before she passed out, her head fell to the side, eyes half way open, looking at me. "You're next."

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