Chapter 86

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"Shot through the heart, and you're to blame. You give love, a bad name."

"What answers did you want to know about me? Why are you like this?" Brendon furrowed his eyebrows, looking down at me, trying to find whatever was hidden deep into my eyes. "That's for classified rea-" "Classified reasons my ass, Brendon. Stop playing these stupid games and tell me already."

"Last time I checked, you don't own me. You're not in charge, I am."

"That's not true. I'm my own person and you simply can't just claim that you control me, when you clearly don't." I could see the fire start to burn in Brendon's eyes. It was scary, but I wasn't going to back down without a fight. "Listen to me, Chloe, I never wanted to bring this on you, but you couldn't keep your nosy self out of this." 

I scoffed. "Me?! You're blaming this all on me? Unbelievable. I can't believe I was dumb enough to actually like someone like you. I can't believe I let my stupid hormones get in the way of actually seeing the real you." For a second, it seemed like I had cracked Brendon, but his cold stare quickly returned.

"I never wanted it to be like this, Chloe. Can't you see that?!" This only fueled my anger. Not getting the answers to something I was dying to know, was eating me up inside. "What do you mean? You never wanted what to be like this? Huh?"

Brendon sighed, slamming his fist on the wall behind him. "I'm part of a cult." I furrowed my eyebrows, not hearing what he said. "What did you say?" 

Before I could process it, Brendon spun around quickly, the fire in his eyes burning bright. "I said, I'm part of a cult. Open your damn ears for once!" I shook my head, slowly backing away. "W-What the-" Brendon chuckled, running a hand nervously through his hair. 

"I'm the leader of the Devotees, Chloe. For such a long time, I've been looking for the perfect woman to rule beside me, and I've finally found her." He looked into my eyes, again. "That girl is you."

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