Chapter 75

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I stood there, looking at Mrs. Johnson. "W-What exactly do you mean", I said getting scared. She looked around once again and shook her head, turning to walk away. "I'll have to tell you some other time, Chloe. Its not safe to tell you here." I bit my lip, stopping her by gripping the back of her shirt. "Please, Mrs. Johnson. You need to tell me." She, once again, shook her head, trying to rip her shirt out of my grasp. "I-I wish I could, Chloe, but he's watching. H-He's always watching." That made me let go of her shirt, and as soon as I did, she took off running, leaving me clueless as to what is going to happen to me. I felt a hand on my shoulder, making me slightly jump. I looked over my shoulder, finding my mom with a concerned look plastered on her face. "Who was that, Chloe?" I shook my head, returning my attention back to the outside world, watching as Mrs. Johnson continued to walk away. My mom tapped on my shoulder, pulling my attention away, again. "Chloe, are you feeling alright?" I sighed. "No, mom. Ever since you guys left to go on your little vacation, my world has been flipped upside down. I'm not going to tell you how until I actually get some proof, though. I don't want to seem like a crazy lunatic going around telling lies to people." My mom pursed her lips, her arms slowly crossing over her chest. "Alright, Chloe. If there's any more problems that you're not sure of, please come to one of us first. I'm sure we'll be able to help you out." I nodded, watching as my mom walked away. I sighed, taking one last look outside before closing the door. I don't know why, but ever since Mrs. Johnson said that he was always watching, I felt like I had eyes on me at this very moment. 

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