Chapter 73

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As I watched Brad walk out the door, I felt a chill run down my spine as I thought about what Brendon was going to do. I mean, even though he might not seem like he's up to something, he is. I bit my lip, walking back over to the couch, where I would try to tell myself to relax for a bit. When I sat down, I felt more chills and nerves run down my spine, probably telling me that this wouldn't help me with the Brendon situation. I sighed, getting off the couch, then walked into the kitchen to grab an apple. Now, if Brendon is planning something against Brad, he's probably thinking way out of the box, and that's not a good thing. I took a bite out of my apple, pacing around the island in the middle of the kitchen. I began to come up with theories of what he was going to do and how he was going to do it. This only made me extremely anxious and worried for what's to come in the future. Hell, he'll probably torture me by making me think that he's doing something, when he really isn't. I sat back down on my couch, turning on the TV to block out what was going on in my head. As I continued to watch the show that was on for a few minutes, I began to think about my parents. Where were they? Are they ok? Great, another thing to add to my list of things I need to worry about for another time. I sighed, rubbing my eyes. Whoever decided to make my life a living hell? Oh, wait. It was God. The man upstairs. Damn. Too bad I can't have a little talk with him about what's going on. Maybe its for the best, though. Sure, I may be losing my mind piece by piece, but I'm sure this is all happening for a reason.

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