Boyfriend? (ch. 9)

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Roman's POV
After Zayn's loud exclamation,  me and Cathal quickly shifted back. We swiftly put our clothes back on.  After Cathal was fully dressed he imediently latched onto my arm. 
"So,  now that our secret is out,  why don't we head back the carnival? I don't think Joy is gonna let Niall out if his sight any time soon." I suggested while pointing in the direction that the carnival is. Joy blushed,  then gave a growl in my direction. With one glare from me,  Joy had his neck bared in submission.
After my display of dominance,  we all started in the direction of the carnival grounds.  It was quite cute to see all of the couples.  Niall and Joy,  Zayn and Liam,  and last but not least Louis and Harry.  Cathal was still attached to my hip,  Apollo making sure that he didn't trip or fall. 
"Can we try some of the booths? " Cathal asked.  I was really happy that he felt comfortable enough to ask me to do something,  even as small as playing at the booths.
"Sure. Anything you want mate. " I growled into his ear. 
Cathal gave a shiver as we stopped in front of the classic ring toss booth game. Each bottle was a milk bottle.  We got seven rings.  If we made all seven then we could get the biggest prize.  Six to four was a medium prize,  and three to one was a small prize.  When I saw the giant wolf plushie,  I knew that that was what I wanted to win for Cathal. 
Each of the boys bought rings,  hoping to win something for their partners,  even Cathal. 
"Do you need any help mate? " I asked while holding Cathal's hand.  I wasn't sure how he was going to even make one ring on the milk bottles.
"Just turn my body in the way that I should be tossing the rings please.  I do everything from there. " He said shyly.  I gave a bright smile and slowly turned his body so that he was facing the milk bottles.  He threw all of the rings,  only two of them making them on. 
"Did I make any? " He asked hopefully.  I just swooped him up in a hug while nodding,  him being able to feel my nodding because I had him hugged tightly to my chest.
"You made two!  That's amazing! " I squeal very manly indeed. He gave an adorable giggle,  not even caring for all of the people around us.  We didn't care if they judged,  we were ment to be,  and no could tell that it was wrong.
"What prize would you like? " The person working the booth asked Surprisingly happily. 
"Roman,  it's for you,  so you get to choose which ever you want. " I gave a smile and pointed to the small stitch plushie.  The worker handed me the stitch with a smile.  I had already one the plushie for Cathal,  but was waiting for the right time to give it to him.
"I just want to let you know,  you and your boyfriend are very cute and brave.  Me and mine are waiting to move out of this town before becoming public. " The worker said,  then moved on to help Joy and Niall.
While all of them were occupied,  me and Cathal snuck away. Heading to a small hill I saw on the way here,  I slowly grabbed Cathal's hand like I was going to do before Joy had decided to find his mate.
"Mate,  I'm so happy that you came into my life,  and I know this is the first date and all,  but I feel like I've known you all of my life,  would you do me the honors of being my beloved boyfriend? " I asked while stopping at the top of the hill.
"Boyfriend?  Already? I don't know.  Maybe that would work. " Cathal said with a thoughtful look on his face.  I was getting more and more anxious by the second.  I honestly thought that he would say no and reject me on the spot.
"Of course I'll be your boyfriend. "
Thank you all for the reads that I have been receiving.  It means the world to me that people find my book enjoying.  If you ever see Grammer or spelling mistakes please do not be afraid to tell me.  I'll take all the help I can get.  If you have any ideas or suggestions for the book,  comment or message me privately.


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